Sunday, July 19, 2009


So Bria had her first taste of solid food on Friday. We fed her some rice cereal with breast milk mixed in and it's safe to say she liked it. It was really funny to watch her try and suck the spoon like it was a paci and then promptly shove her thumb in there to help suck it all down. I was surprised at how much she actually ate, I was expecting it to be all over but she actually ate most of it.

Bria and I went to my Mom's on Saturday to give Brian some time to do homework and also to enjoy their AC :) My Mom has a little high chair for her grandkids and I thought it was time to try Bria in it. We shoved a towel around her to help her sit up. Oh my goodness, she thought she was such a big girl, it was the cutest thing ever. At first she kind of sat there looking around and then she got so excited that she was able to look around. It was pretty darn adorable.

"Oooh, this is a nice view."

"Yeah, I'm a big girl."

Sammie trying to eat those baby toes (can't blame him):

Looks like Brian and I need to go shopping for a high chair. We are thinking something like this so that we don't have another bulky item in the dining room, our dining room is squished as it is. Plus it's a lot cheaper than buying a big highchair.

She absolutely loved little Sammie. She would smile and smile at him, it was the cutest thing. He of course loved licking her toes and hands, and even got her face twice before I could catch him, ha! I'm not use to a dog that gives Bria attention. Bria kept trying to grab his tongue and he was so good and just kept giving her kisses. It was so fun to watch, but it kind of made me sad that MJ is not interested in Bria. I tried all weekend to make MJ like Bria and it did not work. I even gave MJ treats. But that doesn't stop Bria from petting MJ and smiling at her. Sigh, MJ better like her soon!

How can you not, she's such a doll.


Anonymous said...

we have that exact same travel high chair and love it. :) we've gotten a ton of use out of it - going out to eat, visiting relatives, at the cabin, etc. we haven't used it at home much because we also have the kind of booster/high chair that sits on one of our regular chairs, but it's also nice to have on hand for when another little kid comes to our house. we skipped the full-size high chair too and haven't missed it.

Jenn said...

This is about the time that little Emma Kate really started to get the rolls on her legs. She loves her solids!! Have fun with this :)

emily a. said...

Hi. I'm Emily (Sherry)- Jamie and Brian and I were the same age. In fact Brian and I were pretty good friends our Senior year. Heather and my older brother Matt were really good friends in High School too. Anyways, I lurk on your blog every so often- hope that's okay. Your little girl is adorable.

I just wanted to comment on the chair you are thinking of buying. We have it and really like it for the same reason the 1st girl commented. There are a few downfalls I thought I'd share. There's about 1 1/2 inch gap between the table and chair which can be hard because food falls down on the ground. Because there isn't a tray we've put a thin plastic cutting board on our table underneath the handles so that she's not ruining out table.

We used the bumbo chair and tray until our daughter was too big and climbed out of it.

While I wouldn't change our purchase because it is so versatile, I have wished sometimes that we had a normal high chair. Have you seen the ones at Ikea? They are only about $20. Very simple but the nice thing is they aren't as bulky as most.

Anyways, don't you love baby girls?

Shannon said...

I love Bria in the highchair, so adorable!

L said...

She is getting so big! Yay for rice cereal:)