Tuesday, July 28, 2009


We are getting a heat wave here and it's in the 100's. When you don't have a/c, that is hot. Really hot. Hotter than hot. And oh so miserable. Our portable a/c works great in Bria's room, but it flips the circuit really randomly, at like 3 am. So we're going to get a new one that doesn't have quite as many BTU's so hopefully it won't cut the power.
So I won't be blogging much since the computer room is the hottest room in the house. I hope this heat wave ends soon, this is awful.

We did have a good weekend though. We went to see Heather and Amy in Portland for Amy's birthday and Bria did so well. It was a lot of fun. I was so happy that Bria did so well, it makes traveling much happier :)

We are going to stay at my mom's tonight and possibly tomorrow night since it's still suppose to be sweltering.

Okay, I'm sweating profusely just sitting here so I'll leave you with some pictures:

Bria in her new high chair:

Bria being a cutie:

These are the cutest shoes ever, thanks Aunt Jenny!

Playing with Aunt Heather, she had so much fun with her Aunt's and Grandma this weekend:

Not sure about carrots:

I always lay Bria on the counter while the bath tub is filling up in the sink, I never take my eyes or hand off her, but even with my loose grip she was able to roll over. She loves her new found freedom, and we are keeping a closer eye on her!

Loves to eat her feet:


Lindsay said...

I hope it cools off soon!!

Anonymous said...

She is so cute!! And hopefully you get a better ac soon!!


Carly said...

ohhh i am glad you can go to your moms to get some relief. that cutie needs it :)

Danielle said...

That's HOT! I thought I was hot. (It's in the 80's) I can't even imagine!!!!! Our window AC does the same thing at random times. Lot's of fun!

Brandi said...

Stay cool cobras!

Kris and MaLanie said...

This weather is so disgusting and miserable huh? I have been sleeping in my family room on an air mattress next to the AC the past 2 nights. It's making me wish I was in the hospital. :) Glad you can escape to your mom's.

Kristin said...

Love your family pics!:) I was in your neck of the woods the past two weeks and it was so hot and it sounds like it still is!