Monday, July 06, 2009

4th of July

It was Bria's first 4th of July and we packed our weekend full. Saturday afternoon we headed to the Red, White and Blues Festival downtown. It was fun but it is more fun when you go a little bit later, plus the heat was in full force. But luckily they have some nice fountains for kids to run around in so I took Bria over there and put her feet in them to cool her off. We kept her in her stroller nice and shaded the rest of the time.

Looking at all the kids playing in the fountains:

Sticking her feet in:

Then it was time to head over to the Jensen's for a BBQ. We had a great time and played tons of games including jump roping, we learned Schuyler (my brother in law) rocks at double dutch (is that what it's called?). Once it got dark we let off some pretty awesome fireworks and the kids had a blast. Bria was in the house sleeping away in her pack 'n play, she is my heavy little sleeper!
Isn't her 4th of July outfit cute?

From left: Jaime, Schuyler and my Dad enjoying a delicious BBQ meal (MJ is heading towards my Dad since he feeds her):

All the girls enjoying their 4th of July (from left: Cassidy, Abby, Jaidyn, and Kailey):

Big Daddy B sporting the cutest accessory ever:

Once we got home we put Bria in her crib, she barely woke up on the drive home and went down so nicely. But, it was hot in our house, very hot and we found out Bria does not like the heat. Poor thing was up every half hour to an hour from 12:45 am and on. It was rough. Finally at 4:30 am I brought her in our room since it was a little cooler, not sure why I didn't do that sooner. She woke up around 7:30 am, I fed her, and then about 8:30 she went back to sleep and we all slept in our room until almost 11:30 am! It was a wonderful and much needed nap.

Once we woke up we hurried to get ready and head to Brian's Dad's house for a BBQ. Bria slept on the way there which I thought was kind of weird since she had just taken a 3 hour nap, but I figured the car ride put her to sleep. She started getting a little fussy shortly after we arrived and just wanted to be held and cuddled. Aunt Heather was happy to oblige.

For the remainder of our time there Bria slept in our arms. I started to get really worried because this wasn't like her, where was my smiley Bria? Heather was so sweet and ran to the store to get a thermometer so we could take her temperature and even picked up some Infant Tylenol since we didn't bring ours. Her temperature was only 99.6 which seemed pretty normal considering it was warm outside. I tried not to worry but I just didn't understand why she was so tired.

On the way home she would fuss, sleep, fuss, and sleep. Then it got really bad and she started screaming and crying to the point where I don't ever remember her crying this hard. Her pretty blue eyes were covered in crocodile sized tears and her face was all red. It was freaking me out. Once we got home I fed her and then she fell asleep on me. She slept and slept and slept. She woke up for a few minutes to fuss and then I fed her again. After I fed her she seemed like she was starting to do a little better, I just had to cuddle and hold her-good thing that is my favorite past time. Around 8 pm I gave her a bath which she seemed to enjoy a little bit. After that she layed on a blanket and talked to us a little which was a great sign because she hadn't done that all day. She started to get tired so I gave her a little Tylenol and put her to bed. Fortunately Mother Nature gave us a nice cool breeze so her room was a lot cooler. She slept beautifully, all the way until 7:30 am. We all slept better and I think it is due to the cooler weather, which we are suppose to have all week, thank goodness.
So I'm not sure if Bria just got worn out from our busy weekend or what, but I was really scared on Sunday because she was just not her normal self.

She seems to be doing fine now and I can't tell you how grateful I am. I just prayed and prayed on Sunday, I hated seeing my little girl in pain, it was the worst feeling ever. If there is one good thing that came out of it, the silver lining if you will, it's that I realized how I need to chill out when it comes to Bria's schedule. Jaime kindly brought to my attention how all my posts have to do with Bria's sleep schedule. And I had to laugh because that is what's on my mind 24/7, it's all consuming. It is to the point where I constantly look at the clock and calculate when she'll take her next nap, when she'll eat next, and most importantly, when she will be ready for bed. It's ironic that I stress so much about her sleep schedule because she is an awesome sleeper. I have gotten so focused on the fact that her bedtime is 8:30 pm that I let it rule my life. Who cares if she goes to bed at 9 pm or heaven forbid 9:30 pm? So I'm going to try and take a chill pill and just enjoy our day and not worry so much about the exact time she goes to bed and the exact time she wakes up. Can't promise that I'll NEVER think about, but I'll try to sit back and relax a little more.
I'll let you know how it goes :)


Kerri said...

It sounds like a great weekend all in all. I wonder what was up with her sleeping though? Must've just been having so much fun that you pooped her out! I am glad that Sunday night was better for her (and you!)

Kristin said...

I am glad you all had a great 4th! I love the pics!:) Bria is so adorable!

The Beavers said...

Are you sure we aren't one in the same??? Nathan is almost TWO and I just barely started to chill out on the schedule!!! Seriously just this summer I let him skip nap...first time EVER! It made me nervous but we survived:) Remember that she is such a great sleeper because of your consistency and she's probably a happier baby because of it too!!! Don't be too hard on yourself.