Monday, July 13, 2009

Sick Baby

So we found out why Bria was sleeping so much and being so fussy last week, poor thing has a cold. It is awful listening to her stuffy nose and horrible cough, I just hate it. I think Saturday was when it was at it's worst, just looking into her eyes you could tell she was sick. The booger sucker thing has been right by my side every day so I can suck all that snot out. Surprisingly she doesn't hate it most the time, unless it's in the middle of the night. I've ended up bringing her in our bed the last 2 nights, hopefully that hasn't created a bad habit. She is just so stuffy at night and it's hard for her to sleep so I like being right next to her. I just pray this cold doesn't give her an ear infection, how would I know if she developed an ear infection? Needless to say the past week has been challenging and we're all pretty tired.

My happy girl waking up from a nap (this is before she started getting sick):

Also before she got sick:

I love this little dress on her, so sweet:

Before Bria got sick I caught video of her rolling over, she is so proud of herself :)

1 comment:

Steph said...

I hope Bria feels better soon!