Monday, July 20, 2009

5 Months

Oh wow, Bria is 5 months old. I don't think I'll ever stop saying how fast time is going, just like everyone told me it would.
Bria has been doing lots of new things this month:

Sits up in her boppy (a little slouched and falls frequently, but it counts!)
Has sat up all by herself for a few seconds!
Rolls from back to tummy (rolls to her left)
Rolls from tummy to back, both left and right
Sucks her thumb, she favors her left one but either will do
Sticks out her tongue really far
Started eating rice cereal and likes it (she sucks her thumb after each bite, we think that's to help her swallow it)
Makes the noise da a lot and I fear I'm losing the ma-ma vs da-da battle
Loves to watch MJ and smiles at her
Really likes Sammie (my Mom and Randy's dog) and he likes her
Got her first cold :(
Wearing size 2 diapers still
Wearing 3-6 month clothes, but soon she'll move up to 6 months
Pulls mommy and daddy in to give them kisses
Likes when I read to her (finally!)
Plays more independently and likes to shake her toy keys
When she's on her tummy she tucks her legs up and attempts to move up, I think she'll be crawling sooner than I thought.

"Oh it's you again..."

"Yeah, why don't you go ahead and get out of my photo shoot, thanks."

"Ha, just kidding mom, we are totally fine."

"I'm just going to kick you over there a little."

This is my favorite:

"Thumper, I have a secret..."

"Psych, I just wanted to tackle you."

"1, 2, 3, pinned!"

I am absolutely in awe of this precious little girl, she is so cute I just can't get enough of her. I feel so blessed to be able to stay home with her and I love that I get to teach her things and spend so much time with her, I really do love it.


Jensen Five said...

Your commentary on Bria and Thumper is so funny! I've read it twice cuz it's making me laugh so hard. Why can't I be as funny as you!

Cala said...

I ditto Jaime's comments!!! You are hilarious. I cant believe how big she is!!! When are you guys coming this way???? :)

Z said...

I *love* the pic with the caption about tackling Thumper. LOL She is just ridiculously sweet. :)