Thursday, July 09, 2009

Reading and stuff

Not a lot to blog about since we are keeping it low key this week. Bria is such an angel during the day, she just goes with the flow and is so serene. Yesterday she took awesome naps, and every time I put her down in her crib she snuggled up without so much as a whine.
Then the night came, dun dun DUN! I bathed her, fed her, and read her some books. I laid her in her crib and WAH! I walked out and let her cry for a little bit, but she was getting really mad so I went in to try and calm her down. She was screaming crying which is not her normal cry. What is it with the night and this girl? It took me awhile to calm her down, and the whole time she was incredibly tense and shaking.
It's just so weird, why doesn't she like going down at night? She only fought me for an hour and then gave in so that's good. Unfortunately Brian worked really late last night so I was on my own. It's amazing how a screaming baby can wear on your nerves.
But she's so darn cute and her crying face is so sad it breaks my heart at the same time. So apparently her screaming fits are not entirely related to her routine during the day. Motherhood is such a guessing game!
By the way, I reread my last post and I feel like I should make a little edit. At the end I said strict schedule and that is really not the case. First, we don't have a time schedule where I make Bria take her naps at the exact same time everyday. On the contrary, I let Bria tell me when she is getting tired (rubs her eyes, yawns, etc). She is usually up for an hour and a half to two hours before she starts getting sleepy. The key is to put her down for a nap before she gets over tired. Anyway, it just sounded wrong when I read it so I wanted to clarify that it's more of a routine than a schedule for us, and babies crave routine.

Not a lot of plans for this weekend, Brian is going to have some guy time and play poker. Girls night for Bria and me! :)

"Sup mom."

"Yeah, I'm just chilaxin'"

Bria thought MJ was pretty funny last night. She kept smiling at her and it was the sweetest thing.

Why are all the cute smiley pictures blurry?

After I read Bria some books she wanted to read them to me:

"I'll read that one next Mom"

Bria and I went to Target and Old Navy today. I had a gift card for Old Navy and it was fun picking up a few shorts and of course a little something for Bria. She is such a good little shopper. I wore her out and she fell asleep on the walk back to the car.


Anonymous said...

Is she teething, Lindsey? Natalie did the same, except it was during nap time. I did some sleep training with her around 6 months, which worked great!

flojat said...

What a big girl, reading that book! LOL