Friday, July 03, 2009

Sleep routine & random thoughts

I must say how thankful I am that Bria goes down relatively well. Now, that is not to say we don't have difficult times where she is over tired and refuses to go down. In fact, just the other night I let her get over tired (on accident of course) and she did not want to go to sleep. I rocked her, put her down and she immediately rolled onto her back and fussed. I would calm her down, sing to her, rock her, let her fuss, nothing was working. Finally I decided to put her down, rub her back, tell her I loved her, and then walked outside to get a breather. She was crying pretty hard but I needed a break. I came back in about 5 to 10 minutes later and I heard silence. I went in to check on her and sure enough she had put herself to sleep. Usually she goes down much easier and either wines a little or goes right to sleep. So it was hard for me that the last noise I heard was her crying.
Our sleep routine usually starts by me singing Hush Little Baby once or twice and then putting her down in her crib. She will snuggle up, find her thumb, switch positions a few times, and then is off to dreamland. Occasionally she will fuss and whine and then go to dreamland. This isn't something she was born with, we have worked hard to get to this point and I know it will be a continual work in progress. Nonetheless I am thankful, so very thankful. My back is thankful too, 14 pounds gets heavy after awhile. Have I mentioned I'm thankful? Because I am.

Bria has decided however that she wants to get up nice and early. Wednesday and Thursday she got up at 6:30 am and today it was 5:45 am. Fortunately, she went back to sleep this morning after I fed her. I must say even when she wakes up early it's so fun to go in there and see her big smile, she is always so happy in the morning. Waking up from her naps though, she is like her mom, very cranky.

Well, Oregon is heating up, we're in the 90's. That is so not cool when you don't have AC (ba dum ba). Yesterday was quite miserable, until we stripped Bria down and then she was happy as can be. Last night was not fun though, it never cooled down so even though we had our window open and fan right in front of it, nothing. It was 77 degrees in our house when I woke up, and that is downstairs! So, we are going to Costco tonight and getting a portable AC unit. We have a window unit that my cousin so graciously gave us and I think we'll try that in our room and put the portable one in Bria's. I really hope this works out because it is so horribly hot in our house. If it was just us I think we could deal with, we have for the past 2 summers. But I hate making Bria suffer through this, it's just not fair to her.

I thought this was a cute little outfit, her shirt has fishies on it. I had to make sure and put a headband on though so people know she's a girl. I still get annoyed when people ask me if she is a boy or girl.

This is one of my favorite pics, she is just so scrumptious.

And her latest trick, she found her feet! She absolutely loves them, especially the right one because that is the one that ends up in her mouth. Who needs toes when you have your feet?

Incredibly Random Thoughts by Lindsey
I decided I like the lighting in our bedroom as well as our big mirror. I look pretty tan in it. I always take a look in the mirror and think, "Perfect, I have a little tan, I can wear white." Then I step out of the bedroom, stand next to Brian, and turn around to go change into black. Darn Brian for being so naturally tan, I hope Bria gets his skin.

I sleep better when the house is all clean, especially our bedroom. I don't know what it is, but it makes me feel complete and relieves some anxiety. I realized this the other day when I found myself picking up Bria's room and thinking to myself, I bet she'll sleep better now that her room is clean.

I love the feeling of taking of my running shoes and socks when I get back from a vigorous walk with Bria. My feet are all warm and I feel productive.

Bria playing with her feet, she found her feet on my birthday, June 25th! I was so excited, for some reason I've been looking forward to this milestone, along with her sitting up.
Anyway, it's funny because in the video you can hear Brian in the background wondering where we are, instead of answering him I just let him follow the screams of Bria :)


Steph said...

I always get the same thing with the lighting and mirror in our bedroom. It seems I always look better than I do anywhere else in the house ,lol.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love when they find their feet! So funny to watch, wait til she starts talking to them, if she hasn't already!

Brandi said...

I so love her! Those chunky monkey baby thighs, I miss them so. Austin is growing up WAY too fast :o(
And if y'all get hot just go over to our house- it will be vacant in a week!

Mary said...

Lindsey, she is adorable!!!

Sarah said...

Linds, it is miserably hot up here in WA too. We're keeping Jack naked (except diaper), and he seems to be much happier as a result.

Amy said...

"i bet she'll sleep better not that her room is clean" hahaha! that is too funny!