Saturday, July 18, 2009

Who does she look like?

My Dad with Baby Bria:

Little Bria:

My Mom and Bria:

Ok so this isn't really fair because I only have my baby pictures on here. But that is only because we don't have a scanner so I can't scan Brian's baby pictures in, I've been meaning to do that at my mom's house. Anyway, I think she is a pretty good mix. Sometimes I see a lot of me in her and other times I see a lot of Brian.

My Dad with me:

Me and my Mom (I think this looks a lot like Bria):

Me when I was a bikini model:

Me sitting in a forest:


Anonymous said...

She totally looks like you in that pic with you and your mom!

Danielle said...

Wow! She does look A LOT like you as a baby! Adorable!

Robyn Baird said...

I've always thought she looks like you. She does have a little Brian in her as well. What a doll!

Kari said...

That last picture of you is VERY similar to Bria!