Sunday, April 28, 2013


I happen to be a subscriber to PDX Kids and they send a calendar of all the events going on in the area. When I saw that the Northwest Children's Theater was doing a Cinderella play I knew I HAD to get tickets for me and Bria. What a perfect Mommy/Daughter day. 
We were right by the stage, great seats!

The show was really cute, they did tap dancing and singing and it was incredibly entertaining. Bria was so engaged and clapped every time a song ended with so much excitement I thought she might burst. I could tell it was killing her that she couldn't run up onstage and join them. Soon, my love, soon.
After the wonderful show we got to meet some of the cast for autographs and a few pictures.

Bria in awe of Cinderella (kind of a different spin on the original Cinderella)
 When they would ask her name she would say Bria and then spell it for them, haha. They also asked what her favorite part was and she said the dancing.
One of the performers (look at my girls smile, love it!)

Bria and Armando (Prince's page who narrated and was HILARIOUS!)

The fairy Godmother 
 As we were walking to our car Bria kept saying how much fun she had. It was so sweet.
On the way home we stopped by Old Navy and to my surprise they were having a Grand Reveal (they remodeled) so the whole store was 20% off, score! Also they had a DJ and a face painter. Random, I know, but cool nonetheless.
Bria got a Unicorn on her cheek :)
I got 2 shirts, a 3/4 sleeve sweater (a beach-y looking one), flip flops for Bria, and a reusable bag all for $22! I think I may need to go back and do some more damage ;)

1 comment:

Kris and MaLanie said...

Looks like a lot of fun! Bristol would love that. I should see if I can get tickets.