Monday, August 01, 2011

It happened

Bria's first haircut, we did it.
Saturday morning I woke up and decided it was time, her hair was so tangly at the bottoms and thin that I decided we needed to trim it...just a bit. So we took her to a cute kids place called Pigtails & Crewcuts, it was adorable and just for kids. They had little cars or airplanes for the kids to sit in while getting their haircut and a movie was playing.
Bria was amazing, she sat so still and was entranced with the movie (that Dragon kids movie), I think that movie may have hypnotic powers or something.

Getting ready for her first cut!

Like I said, she was entranced with the movie.

Her blonde curls.

The after. Although this picture makes it look straight, her curls are definitely there and I'm pretty sure it's even more curly now.

Adorable pigtails

There isn't a huge difference, which is good. I can tell it's shorter but it's sooo much easier to comb through and it was definitely time. They gave us a cute little card with her picture and a little bag of her hair, yay :)
It was a fun little treat and Bria was excited. We walked around the outside mall afterwards and went to REI which is Bria's favorite place to go, I think Daddy has bribed her. Then we went to her second favorite place at the mall: the fountain.
We give her pennies to throw in and she thinks it's pretty neat. She'd like it more if she could climb in, but she settles for throwing things in.

Another "after" picture.

Can't believe my baby is old enough to have her first haircut, time is flying people.


Kris and MaLanie said...

Aagghh! When did she get old enough for her first haircut? Looks great!

Anonymous said...

OMGoodness!! She looks great, and what a fun place for kids to get haircuts!! She's such a big girl!
