Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Party for me?

Bria's cousin (technically second cousin), Bristol, turned 2 last Saturday and we had a blast celebrating. Bria was so excited about Bristol's party, but she also liked to add that it was HER birthday party. It was a little hard to explain that hers wasn't for another 6 months.
There were little pools to swim in,
bubbles to chase,
more pools to sit on the edge of,
juice to drink,

and football to play.
She had a blast playing catch with us, I think it's time to get her a football :)

Bristol and Bria going for a ride,

Bria loves going to birthday parties. Not only because she loves playing with kids...or because she loves swimming...or because she loves chasing bubbles...or because she gets juice...or even because she gets to ride in fire trucks...
this girl loves parties because she gets to inhale cupcakes.
She loves cupcakes.
And doesn't care how messy she gets in order to eat one.
I think she fears I will take it away so she eats it as fast as possible.

Bria doesn't get that many treats because she's not the best eater. If she ate fruits and vegetables I would be more inclined to give her sweets, but alas she eats very little of either one so her sweets are withheld. Except at birthday parties :)
The birthday girl with an adorable crown one of Lanie's crafty friends made.

Opening presents!

After the party the girls played with some of Bristol's new toys.

This little tricycle was a huge hit. I think I need to have Brian rig a little handle on the back of Bria's tricycle because it made it soooo nice to push the girls around on it.

This week is actually kind of busy which is nice. Yesterday was our only free day, meaning we didn't have plans in the morning so Bria and I ran errands and then went to the park and had a picnic. This morning we went for a walk and then to swim lessons. Bria's doing really well in swim lessons and her teacher said she will be great at the next level.
Tomorrow is a playdate with my mom's group, Thursday is swim lessons, and Friday is another playdate with the mom's group. Then Saturday is a cheer class for Bria! I can't tell you how excited I am about this. My friend Dehlia found it through the Parks and Rec department. It's just a 45 minute class but it's for 2 and 3 year olds and I just can't wait to see Bria out there, hopefully she has fun :)
So that's our week in a nutshell, hopefully I remember to take pictures. Now that Bria and I are almost 100% better, Bria has been so much easier. The last 2 weeks have been so hard with her that I cried almost every day. But yesterday I finally saw my sweet little Bria for most the day and it helped me so much. I'm hoping this good phase will last awhile.

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Bria is so gorgeous! And she is VERY lucky to have such great family so close by :o)