Thursday, August 18, 2011

Daily Doings: Thursday

Bria slept better last night, thanks goodness. Hopefully her teeth and growing pains are giving her a break for now.
  • I woke up at 6:45 am because it's garbage day and those trucks are loud. I headed downstairs for my decaf coffee and computer time. I finished some blog posts and stuff.
  • Bria woke up at 7:40 am and we went in to watch Daddy finish shaving his face :)
  • After Brian left we ate some cereal and then headed out on our morning walk.
  • It was 9 am when we got back and I wanted to get ready and head to Target before swim lessons but I was too tired. So instead I started some laundry, drank another cup of decaf coffee and made lists. Bria watched a little Sesame Street and then read her books to her Jessie doll.

  • I got us packed and ready for swim lessons and we headed out.
  • Bria did amazing at swim lessons again. She swam back and forth between me and the edge of the pool. It wasn't a far distance but she did it and had fun doing it :)
  • We showered, dressed, and headed home for lunch.
For some reason I love our walk from the aquatic center to our car. I think we're both in a good mood, clean, and ready for lunch.

After lunch we went outside while I dipped my feet in our little pool, Bria went down her slide, played in the pool and just had a grand old time.

  1. At 1 pm she said she was ready to go inside so we headed upstairs for her nap. She read some books (these days she reads to me most the time) and then I tucked her in.
  2. I fixed my hair, put away laundry and removed my old nail polish from my toes (which is not an easy task!). Then I sat outside and read for awhile, I'm really trying to soak up the sun while it lasts because this summer has been horrid and now people are talking about back to school and it's freaking me out, summer hasn't arrived and it's almost over already?!
  3. Bria woke up a little after 4 pm when Brian got home. She was pretty cranky so we put on Toy Story and gave her a healthy milkshake.
  4. She finally perked up and played and read while I put together our new glider and Brian finished up some stuff in the garage.
  5. I made dinner and afterwards Bria had a meltdown and kept saying she didn't feel good and that her head hurt. She had a bit of a temperature so we gave her medicine and seriously sat on the couch until bath time. We sang and talked and she was in somewhat good spirits but you could tell she just didn't feel good, darn teeth.
  6. We did our normal bedtime routine which consists of bath, hanging out on our bed (reading or rough housing with Daddy), brushing teeth, lotion, pj's, stories, prayers, and songs.
Reading to Daddy :)
  • Now Brian and I are going to retire to the couch for awhile then eventually to sweet slumber. Well, hopefully it's sweet and we all get a good night's rest :)

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