Thursday, August 18, 2011

Daily Doings: Wednesday

So Bria's molars are causing some major set backs in her sleep, she has seriously never slept this horribly since she was a newborn. It sucks.
  1. Bria woke up at 4:30 am to go potty, usually she's good about going right back to sleep. She was quiet for 1/2 hour so I thought she did but then she started whining and talking and then crying. I went in a few times and this went on until 6:30 am when we finally both got to sleep.
  2. I woke up at 8 am and drank my decaf coffee while surfing the net.
  3. Bria woke up at 8:30 am. She randomly got a puzzle out of her closet and we worked on that for a few minutes before heading downstairs for breakfast.
  4. After breakfast we headed out on our morning walk, Bria did pretty well again. She enjoyed reading her books.
  5. We came home and colored on her white board, played with the fairies, straightened up the play area and then got ready for our picnic with some moms club people.
  6. 11:00 am went to the park, I enjoyed talking with my mom friends and Bria enjoyed running all over. They have a public restroom there and at one point Bria ran over and stood in line. I walked over and the mom standing there told me that Bria said she had to go potty. I thought it was so cute she went all by herself, lol.
  7. We got home about 12:40 pm from the park and she watched a little Toy Story to help her calm down. Around 1:15 pm I told her it was time for a nap and she promptly turned off the tv and walked upstairs, I love those moments.
  8. I looked outside our front door and there was a large package sitting there, whatever could it be? A glider and ottoman from Sara!!!! I'm so freaking excited!
  9. I spent some time on the computer, straightened up the downstairs a little, and read.
  10. It was almost 4 pm before Bria woke up. We watched a little tv to help her wake up.
  11. She played for awhile while I made some dinner and Brian napped and showered (he had a long day at work volunteering at an elementary school doing yard work)
  12. After dinner we headed to REI to pick up something for Brian and then to Heather's. Amy was there too and Bria had so much fun with them, even if she was a little shy at first.
  13. We came home, Bria played for a few minutes and then it was bath time.
  14. Shortly after she went to bed she started crying and saying her leg hurt, we think maybe it was growing pains. I can't relate very much because I didn't grow very fast or very tall ;) Anyway, Brian rubbed lotion on her leg and told her it was medicine, it seemed to work.
  15. Brian and I watched a little tv then turned in early to read and get some sleep. We were in bed before 10 pm and it felt really good.

1 comment:

Michael said...

List of escapades,Just dropped by here in your site.. Thank you! God Bless!