Wednesday, September 04, 2013

She cut it

About 2 weeks ago Bria said she wanted to cut her hair to her shoulders, ever since then I ask her almost daily if she still wants to. I am all about her making the choice and honoring it, but my biggest fear was that she would immediately regret it and start sobbing. 
So we made sure it was what she wanted to do. 
Last night after Brian got home I asked her again and when she exlaimed, "Yes!" I decided to just go for it.
And we did.
 Do you think I cried when she cut off the last of her super blond hair? Or when I looked down and saw perfect little ringlets laying on the floor that were once attached to Bria's sweet little head?
I didn't! I smiled. She looked so stinkin' cute and grown up and this is what she wanted.
 We love it. She kept saying, "Mom, I just love my hair! Is it short now?" or "Does it look like Amanda's now?"
We just did it last night so I haven't washed it since (they didn't wash it at the hair cutting place either) and I think her curls will still be there a little bit but we'll see. 

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