Monday, October 08, 2012

Well that was fun!

It's been awhile since I've made it down for a Beaver game, 2 years. Last year I was super pregnant for the first game or two and then had Reese so I wasn't up for the long trip down to Corvallis. 
But this year I got to head down, drop Reese off at my Dad's, and take Bria for a mommy daughter day at the game! Brian was hiking with Schuyler.

 It was so fun taking Bria around to tailgators and the Beaver fan fare, I'm glad the Jensen kids came too because Bria loved playing with them.
And loved doing this...
 Sweet Porter is so patient with her undying love for him.
We got to see lots of people, including Heather, Tracy, and Grammy:
 And I got snuggle time in with Jax :)

Bria and Mommy cuddles

I got lots of kisses!


Aunt Jenny!

Uncle Kyle

The Jensen kids with their Beaver cookies

Cutest cookies ever

Grandma Anna even came by the tailgator!
I headed over to the Bauer's tailgator and I was so excited that Dusty had brought down the boys because I got a picture of Bria and Bennett together! 
This is important because 3 years ago, before we were friends with Amanda and Dusty, we captured this picture of Bria and Bennett:
 SO CUTE! Amanda and Dusty are also friends with the Bauer's which is why we were all at the tailgator together.
 So fast forward 3 years to this:
 Wha??!! Kids grow up fast, did you know that?

Bria with her boys

Grammy and Bria getting ready to head in to the game
 So after a few hours of tailgating we headed in. And as soon as we walked into the stadium there was a good play and everyone starting screaming  really loud.
And Bria cried. Because loud people scare her.
So the Tegners handed me ear muffs and saved the day.
Very happy that the loud screaming is muted

Love me some Bria and football!

Half the stadium
I was impressed that Bria ended up making in to half time before she was ready to go home. We had a great time together and I'm so glad we got to go.
We stayed at my Mom's and it was fun having some family time. Bria and Reese got to go in the hot tub twice-which was a huge hit and Bria watched Ice Age. Reese did not sleep all that great but fortunately I had Ya-Ya to help. It was a good weekend and I'm so glad we went down!

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