Friday, October 26, 2012

It's what sisters do

I guess if Reese is laughing I should let them play, but sheesh, Bria can sure be rough.

I'm so desperate to get a bow in Reese's hair (since headbands get ripped out pretty fast) that I put some gel and stuck a clip in it.
"You are going to subject me to the torture of doing my hair? No way, I hear Bria throw a fit every time you do her hair, I want no part of that!"

Cute little curls in the back :)
Reese is obsessed with purses. She has a purse in hand most of the time and it's pretty freaking cute. She will go find a purse and just start walking around like she is a busy bee. Her favorite play purse is this blue one we have, but her absolute favorite is mine.
This child will find my purse no matter where I put it and immediately empty out all the contents. Then she will hand us my wallet so that we will unzip it for her and then she proceeds to pull out all my cards. I almost walked out of the house without my wallet the other day because my little thief had grabbed it out of my purse while I wasn't looking. She's trouble! But so stinkin' cute.

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