Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Toddling around

Reese has reached the next phase in babyhood-toddling/walking.
I thought for sure she would start walking around 10 months, she was standing at like 2 weeks old and always seemed so strong. But like her sister, she can be pretty cautious and doesn't want to do something until she is completely ready.
She took her first steps around 10 months and since then has taken a few here and there, but in the last few days she has started walking more and more. She still crawls to get places but I know very soon that is going to change.
Part of me really wants her to walk because my arms are tired of carrying her all over and my back hurts from bending over to help her walk, but the other part of me is starting to imagine playdates where I have 2 kids running in 2 directions. Chaos!
Fortunately Bria is old enough to listen and stay out of trouble...sometimes.

Lanie and her girls were gone the whole month of September visiting family and they are finally back. We were thrilled to see them and Bria and Bristol were beyond ecstatic. They play so well together, I need to remember to film them playing because they are totally in their own little world. They play with little princess figurines and their dialogue is quite hilarious.
The babies had fun watching their sisters. Reese had fun trying to get Brinley's bow and give her hugs.

You can hear a little of Bria and Bristol's conversation in the background of this video :)

This Friday I'm going to a craft night at Lanie's church and I am seriously so excited! As I'm sure most of you can relate with, Pinterest makes me want to buy everything at JoAnn's and Michael's and come home and craft all hours. But my budget and kids don't allow for any of that, darn it. So the fact that I get to go devote hours to crafting is really exciting. I will post pictures of my master pieces.

This weekend I'm hoping we can get to a pumpkin patch as a family to get a few more pumpkins then I want to start carving. Actually I kind of want to paint on our pumpkins this year since I'm not a huge fan of carving, but I figure it might be fun to carve one pumpkin and let Bria help clean out the pumpkin guts :)

1 comment:

Kris and MaLanie said...

Seeing Reese walk makes me so sad for some reason. I want her to stay my little baby forever!! She is so precious. I can't wait for craft night either.... to be over! :) So excited to hang out with you cousin!