Monday, May 20, 2013

Nike and Skaters

Saturday morning my Mom and Randy came up and we all went to the Nike Employee store. Dusty had gotten us passes which we were very excited about. We got Reese the cutest shoes EVER! 
I got some running pants because I am in major need of work out clothes:
They are a lot brighter in person and I definitely do NOT look like that wearing them, maybe some day ;)
Brian also got a cute baby blue pullover. It was a successful trip because we got what we needed but didn't over spend.
After our fun morning we all took a nap and then decided to go roller skating.

The Inukai's came and the Buell boys joined in too!

 They had the little skates that go over the shoes and fit perfectly for Reese. Reese and Charleigh were little pros, they didn't have any problem "skating" around the rink. It was so wonderful how easy going Reese was considering Bria was challenging.
 Bria is very much like me, if she doesn't get something right away she absolutely loses it. So it was frustrating her that she was wobbly and kept falling. Brian and I took turns with her, trying to encourage her and talk through it.

 It would work for a few minutes and then she would lose it again. Fortunately around the time I was losing it, Dusty showed up with the boys and saved the day. Bennett skated by himself the whole time and never let his falling slow him down, he would just hop right back up.
 Bria tried to do the same and it helped her attitude, but soon she couldn't hold back the frustration and tears. Brian had the brilliant idea of putting the baby skates on Bria, they adjust easily so we tried and wow, what a difference. We definitely should have done that from the beginning. We have to remember with Bria to start slow. Once she got those skates on she didn't want any help, just wanted to go around the skating rink with Bennett :)

Randi and Charleigh skating

Reese and Charleigh just going with the flow
We were all sweating and tired by the time we left so we went to Red Robin for some milkshakes and dinner.

Sweet Charleigh!

Such a character!
That was our fun Saturday afternoon adventure :)


Ben and Wes said...

Thanks for always letting my boys tag a long! XO

Lulu said...

I'm so glad they come, we always love spending time with them!