Wednesday, May 29, 2013

And I raaan, I ran so far away

I ran a 5k last Saturday and I am officially addicted to races. Although don't go thinking I'm going to do a marathon, this girl has short legs so a half marathon is my ultimate goal. And that is pretty much a marathon for me since 2 of my strides equals one normal stride for most runners.
Anyway, the point being, I had fun.
It was the Dick Inukai run, Scott's Dad would have been 70 years old and they remembered him by throwing a 5k!
Brian was nice enough to bring the girls and cheer me on, and Dusty ran while Amanda cheered him on :)

Dusty and I before the race
 I surprised myself and ran it in just over 22 minutes, I was proud of my time. And Dusty? His time was 18.08. I will let that sink in.
He's fast.
I don't think if I sprinted the whole way I could have kept up with him.

 My favorite part was running up to the finish line and seeing my hubby and girls and the Buell's cheering for me, it was so sweet.
 After the race the kids napped and then we took all the kids to the mall to visit Amanda (she had to work) at Nordstroms.
The kids had a blast trying on glasses.
Mr. Stud AKA Weston


Wants to be like her big sister
And she is going to kill me but I have to post this because I'm proud of my All-Star! Amanda is the best saleswoman this side of the Mississippi :) She's in the yellow.
Today Bria has ballet lessons and then Brian and I are going on a date night with Nate and Amy, yay for date night!

1 comment:

Ben and Wes said...

Oh dear!!! I love you Friend!!! We are so lucky to have the H family!!