Saturday, May 25, 2013

My hands are full with this one

I sure love my Reese.
She is cuddly and loveable and absolutely hilarious, this girl has more spunk than any other child I have ever seen.
With all that goodness, she is a HANDFUL.
 Oh my goodness, she exhausts me on a daily basis. It is nearly impossible to discipline her, she giggles and laughs no matter how stern I am, no matter what I do. I feel utterly deflated.
She throws epic tantrums complete with very strong kicking and screaming and flailing about. She doesn't like diaper changes, getting washed in the bath (just wants to play), getting lotioned up, getting dresses, basically everything I do in the morning. Which is frustrating to say the least. It does not start my day off very well when I have to battle a strong willed 20 month old who doesn't care when she is scolded. 

 The weekends can't come soon enough, then I have Brian to help in the morning and I don't have to battle it alone.

Her love of cupcakes and pretty much food in general is out of this world

Found a marker and drew on herself

I don't wanna harp on my Reesie too much though. She is incredibly sweet and loves cuddling, she has the cutest smile and loves making people laugh. I just wish she would do all that stuff more :)

1 comment:

Tieky Torch said...

At least they are cute right? Hannah is the same way, just as strong willed, if I say anything to keep her from doing what she wants, look out! Tears and what my mom calls the "fire engine" cry. I love her to death as well but man I thought she was a hard baby but it was just the beginning. I am praying hard each day that I will be able to teach her what she needs to know as well as be a good example as a parent. It's hard, I wonder how I am going to do with more kids :( The main thing that keeps me going is prayer. Hope you find something that works well for you guys!