Thursday, May 23, 2013

Goodbye preschool (the first year)!

Today is Bria's last day of preschool, it's hard to believe that 9 months ago was her very first day:

And now she's grown like a foot!

It has been a great year. She has learned so much and grown quite a bit. She adores her teacher and classmates, especially Ella :)
Next year she is going to a different preschool. Not because we don't like this preschool she is currently at, but because it's a co-op which means once a month I am in the classroom as teacher helper and I bring snacks. I don't mind that, in fact I love being able to see Bria in her environment and I enjoy spending time with all the kids and helping teach them. But with Brian taking on projects and getting busier at work, it's been challenging to find care for Reese while I'm at preschool. So we explored other options and found a great preschool at St. Matthews. We aren't Catholic, but we want Bria to have a knowledge of God and at such a young age they don't push certain religions, just introduce God. My friend Dehlia sends her daughter there and has had so many wonderful things to say about it. I am really excited about it but I have to admit I'm feeling nostalgic about leaving her current preschool. I just love Mrs. Biamont so much and Bria is comfortable there. Hopefully over the summer I will find some peace about it. I just want to do what's best for Bria!

Today is also my Mom's birthday and I want to wish her a Happy Birthday! Thanks for all those nights you rocked me while I cried, for dealing with my night terrors, for taking me to cheer practice, for buying milk when I threw a tantrum because we ran out, and for being the most amazing Grandma to my girls. Love you Mom!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, I love being a Mom and Grandma it is the best job ever!!!