Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Make snack time fun

I feel like I'm kind of behind on blogging so I will attempt to catch up with all we have been up to.
I've been making an attempt each day to get out of my SAHM (stay at home mom) funk and make sure to do fun things with the girls. For snack time one day I put some water in a little play pitcher and had Bria pour her and Reese water in little play tea cups. They were thrilled. I put their apples and yogurt covered raisins on tea party plates and let them go to town. It was a successful snack.
I was trying to capture snack time and the girls were less than thrilled with my attempts to get them to smile
 That picture also shows Reese's full on sassy attitude. And Bria's sweet innocence.

We have been thoroughly enjoying all of Bria's birthday presents lately. Each day she has a new favorite.
A 3-D castle, super cool!
Uncle Nate came up to visit and the girls absolutely adore him. Bria talked his ear off and Reese cuddled with him. It was impressive that she went to him when she woke up from her nap, that's her crankiest time these days and she usually just wants me or Brian but she cuddled up on his shoulder right away.

Watching the airplane take flight. 

I have more posts including Porter's birthday/baptism that we went down to Albany for! I will get caught up, I'm determined to.

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