Sunday, January 20, 2013

The end of an Era

We said goodbye to a dear member of our family last week. Our little yellow bug :(
I bought her when I was in college and she has been such a great car. But it was time to move on and let someone else get some good use out of her. We needed more of a family friendly second car and it was just time.
We will forever remember our sweet yellow bug, whenever we see one Bria yells, "That's just like Daddies car!" She cried when I told her we sold it.

Good memories in the Bug, maybe we'll own another one some time down the road.

But for now we are incredibly excited about our new addition:

A very reliable and very pretty Honda Accord. Neither of us have ever owned a Honda so we are really excited about this purchase. Shortly after we got her I was thinking that it might make more sense for me to drive it and save on gas money. I love our QX but she is a gas hog! Seriously, I get like 13 miles to the gallon and every time I fill her up I barf a little. Brian's work is 4 miles away so we decided to switch cars. I think the girls will miss having a tv to watch but I think they will survive, I did :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How are they doing? Nice looking car!!
