Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I've learned through my journey in motherhood that things come in phases...both good and bad. This includes just about everything: attitude, eating, sleeping, etc.
For the last month we were in a rough phase, both girls were cranky and needy and Reese started becoming picky with food (NOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Please say it ain't so!) and I was at my wits end. I spent most days impatient and ready to cry. Brian has been super busy at work (for the last 7 months) and I just started feeling like I wasn't getting a break.
When we came back from vacation I was so nervous. Usually the first week back from vacation is rough, the kids are tired, getting back to day to day life is challenging, and well, it just plain sucks.
But on Monday we had one of the best days we have had in a long time. And Tuesday, well that wasn't too bad either. Wednesday, pretty good, Thursday...a little tiring but still good.
Both girls have maybe entered a new phase in their attitudes and I pray it stays for awhile, I could really use a break. Bria was sick for a solid month (3 different sicknesses, what the wha?!) and incredibly needy and Reese learned that she got attention when she "talked" very loudly...aka screamed.
I'm grateful for the new and improved attitude with both my girls and also mine. I can tell I'm in a better mood and I'm more productive throughout the day. This may also be because I started running again (I took 2 and a half weeks off because I got lazy and the weather scared me), exercise always helps me feel rejuvenated.
I would like to remember last week so I can look back and hold onto hope when we are going through a bad phase.
So I'm gonna jot down quick notes from a few days of our week, this is super boring for most of you, so I totally understand if you skip this :)

  • I woke up at 6:30 am, made coffee and blogged, it was fabulous
  • The girls woke up around 7:45 am, both in great moods
  • We went to the library, picked out a ton of books and each got a donut hole, yum
  • During Reese's nap, I worked with Bria on her handwriting (with this cool little kit that Grammy got called Hooked on Writing) and then she watched a movie and played with her Toy Story dolls while I snoozed on the couch...fabulous!
  • After Reese woke up I went for a jog with the girls
  • Then I took the girls around the block, Bria on her scooter and Reese just walking, they had a lot of fun and so did I
  • That evening after we put the girls to bed, The Bachelor was on!!! 
  • This day rocked
  • Girls woke up shortly after 7 am and after breakfast I got them ready for the day
  • Took Bria to school and came home to play with Reese, the one on one time was super fun. I also cleaned and did some laundry which was much needed
  • Picked Bria up, fed the girls lunch, put Reese down for a nap and Bria and I played for the next hour together, it was a good Mom day, I felt attentive which is nice
  • Reese woke up and I went for a jog then to Maurices to return some jeans, then did some grocery shopping
  • Brian had a meeting so wouldn't be home until 10 pm, this makes for a long evening but fortunately it went pretty well. Once 5 o'clock hit I stopped making myself feel like I needed to be teaching and playing every second, I put a movie on and us girls relaxed. I made popcorn for Bria and Reese snacked on corn chex...after dinner of course (I believe I fed them scrambled eggs and a bagel, my go to meal :)
  • Put them to bed and then vegged on the couch until the hubs got home
  • Woke up around 7:30 am to my little gals in a great moods, did the breakfast thing and got ready for the day
  • Headed to Amanda's house for some fun, kids had a blast and tired themselves out
  • Did nap time (Bria played in her room quietly)
  • Went outside for some scooter time and a little walking
  • Heather came over that evening and spent time with the girls while Brian and I cleaned out both our cars 
  • Girls went to bed and Brian and I watched our favorite shows: The Middle and Modern Family
We continued to have a good week and I'm super grateful for that. More playdates with friends at Dehlia's house on Friday and an impromptu fashion that evening. I put my old prom dresses on Bria and had her parade around for Reese and Brian, she was in heaven :)
Then obviously we had a great weekend, the Inukai's came over for some pizza on Saturday evening and Sunday was the sledding.

Here are a few random pics from our week:
Reese and her purses

Umbrellas are fun

Praying for more good days filled with family, friends, and an endless amount of laughs :)

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