Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Laundry can be fun...

...if someone puts you in the laundry hamper with warm clothes and then pulls you up and down the hallway like a race car.

Laundry took a little longer this day but Bria sure had fun :)

It has been raining nonstop for what feels like weeks and it's really starting to get on my nerves. Yesterday we finally had a break in the rain so I decided to take Bria for a walk, well my little bookworm made me carry her for most the walk and just wanted to go home and read. I'm not complaining, I love that she loves books, I just thought she'd want some fresh air! I think it's been so long since we've played outside she forgot it was fun.
I mean, who doesn't have fun contorting their bodies into small places?

Bria has some crazy hair these days, especially in the morning. Her hair clips are having a hard time holding it into place.

Flock of Seagulls
Amy has named Bria's awesome hair her Flock of Seagulls haircut. If you do not know what I am speaking of then 1.) You don't watch Friends enough 2.) Go google it

Giddy up
I have been thinking about Bria's room and how I want to decorate it when she gets into a big girl bed...still months down the road because I am in no hurry to battle the getting out of bed thing. I want to do Tinker Bell, but not an overkill. Like instead of doing a Tinker Bell bed spread and sheets, I would like to get a green duvet cover (She'll have my twin size down comforter) and then paint her walls a light purple. Then put touches of Tinker Bell around the room, like fold up a Tinker Bell blanket and put it on her bed, put her Tinker Bell nightlight on her night stand, maybe have a Tinker Bell silhouette on her wall, that kind of thing. I'd love to hear ideas if you have them! I'm not a huge fan of purple walls but I think with the green comforter and stuff it would look ok. Anyway, I'm open to ideas or websites!

Alright, I'm off to finish drinking my coffee and get ready for the day. I get to watch Bristol today while Lanie goes to a doctor's appt, can't wait!


Danielle said...

It looks like you guys are being creative on those rainy days! Dillon has a bad case of cabin fever.

Jeannie @ Living Loving Crafting said...

Love the Flock of Seagulls look!! I'm glad someone can appreciate the awesomeness of FRIENDS too!!