Thursday, January 13, 2011

A mini mommy

Bria is very into helping right now. She absolutely LOVES to help so I try to give her lots of tasks throughout the day, even if they create more work for me :) She gets so tickled with herself when she does a good job, she is so proud.
She also loves to play with her dolls, which I think I've mentioned before. She totally plays a mom and it's darn tootin' cute.

On this particular day, MJ was the baby:
And Bria thought it was essential to bring MJ lots of stuff for her nap.

She also read MJ a Tinker Bell story and drew a picture
MJ was such a good sport and just laid there while Bria brought her blankets and toys and all sorts of stuff.

Bria and Brian both seem to be under the weather a little bit, this week has been a little rough sleep-wise for everyone. Bria also has her canine teeth coming in, three have popped up but one has yet to break through so I think that's been a lot of the reason for Bria's lack of sleep.
Hopefully they both feel better and we can all sleep soon :)

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Mj and Bria are SO cute!! The canine teeth are the WORST!!! Dill's did the same thing: three came in and then we waited and waited for the fourth. Hang in there!