Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cozy days

Bria has been playing pretty well the last couple days which makes such a huge difference. I think her teeth are giving her a break because she just seems so much happier and content.
Today she was playing with her doll and started putting her in time out. Then she'd go get her and say, "Want to cuddle?" I couldn't help but laugh, that's usually what we do after time out. She really doesn't go in time out often but apparently it really effects her, which I guess is good because it's effective.

We are now the proud owners of a portable dvd player for our car (have I already mentioned this?) and I am ecstatic. We tried it out and oh goodness what have we done without this thing? Now the long drives won't be so painful and I'm so excited. You'd think Bria would do well in the car since she loves to read but that is not the case. Maybe it makes her nauseous to read, who knows, but either way we have a the dvd player now and it's wonderful :)

That's about it for my random updates, I think I'll go lay down now :)

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