Friday, March 19, 2010

Sunny days

This week we've been having some sunny days and it's just wonderful. We've been taking lots of walks and going to the park. It's still a bit chilly and when the wind blows holy cow it's freezing, but the sun is out and that's all that matters.
Brian's officially on spring break and just has 1 class left. 3 months to go. June cannot come soon enough.

Things are going pretty good here. Just the usual.

Here Bria is before one of our walks:

"Mom, I think I'm growing green and pink fur on my hands."

"Oh good it's just gloves, I like them."

"Hehe, they make me feel fuzzy and warm."

"Hooray for gloves!!"

So swim class ended the other week and I finally remembered to grab the camera and snap a picture of Gabe and Bria in the locker room. They were the hit of the locker room:

Gotta love baby rolls ;)

Bria is amazing us everyday. She tries so hard to mimic our words and it is too funny. We were trying to get her to say "love you" and she was focusing so much on our mouths, it was adorable. She tried to say it but it came out like, "vv" Hey, I'll take it!
She's also becoming a bit of a daddies girl and Brian is over the moon. She'll reach for him when I'm holding her, she gets sooo excited when he comes home and wants him to hold her right away. She loves climbing all over him when he's laying down, I think that's her favorite game, she is happiest when she's climbing on Daddy. It makes Brian feel really good and I love seeing it. They are adorable together.
She isn't walking yet, the most she's taken is 2 steps. She is definitely cautious so I think it'll take her a little while before she gets confident to walk, but it's fun to see her stand all by herself and she gets really proud of herself.
It's funny how much of a ham she has become, I wish she was like this at her birthday party! She seriously LOVES when people clap and yell for her, it makes her so happy. The girl loves when we have people over and she can show off, you can see her trying to think of something cute to do. Silly girl.
That's the update for now, so glad it's the weekend!

1 comment:

Sarah C said...

She is too darn tootin' cute in those gloves and that hat!