Monday, March 01, 2010

Saturday-Seafood and Wine Festival

We had a wonderfully eventful weekend. Saturday we headed to the coast to attend the annual Seafood and Wine Festival. Bauer's parents have the coolest Beaver bus in the world and they let us borrow it for the day. We piled in and headed over. I'm pretty sure the drive there was as much fun as the Festival itself, we had a blast. Lance and Kayla came with us and Lance drove us there and back, such a sport! He did awesome and I never got scared or anything :)

Our driver, Lance Armstrong!

Enjoying the bus ride.

At the festival we enjoyed some delicious food, although it was not the Seafood that is so popular there because neither Brian nor I are huge fans. We did get lots of good bread and of course some wine.
We saw about 132 people that we knew, it was crazy! Every corner we turned we saw someone else we knew and hadn't seen in awhile, it was so neat and we enjoyed seeing lots of friends there.

I'm not sure we made it to all the vendors, but even still we had a great time and I'm so happy we were able to go. The weather at the coast was gorgeous and that can be quite rare here in Oregon. The Festival is under huge tents so it's not like we would've got rained on, but you do stand outside in line for awhile (although this year we walked right in, score!) so it's nice that it wasn't raining.

On the way home we stopped by the casino. I'm not a gambler but I enjoy watching others play and Brian loves it so he was happy. I could definitely do without the smoke though, it was not pleasant to breath in there and I was dying for fresh air after an hour.

It was such a fun day and I'm grateful we were able to go and enjoy ourselves.

So, what was Bria doing while we were gone all day??? I'll let her tell you in the next post...

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Looks like you all had a blast!