Tuesday, March 09, 2010


Brian has been working some long hours this week and it's wearing on me. He's gotten home after 8 pm for the last 2 nights and tonight is another late night. Maybe if he got paid more for working long hours it would make it a little easier, but his check is the same every month whether he works 8 hours a day or 13. And he just called with the news that next week his hours are all wonky. Ugh.

Yesterday Bria surprised the heck out of me by taking a 3 HOUR NAP!!! She did it once last week too and I am in shock. This girl has not taken a 3 hour nap since she was 3 months old, and even then it was only a handful of times. I'm not counting on it being a regular thing, but once a week is better than never :)
You'd think I was all productive during her nap but I was the opposite. I read, took a nap, got on the computer, and read some more. I felt really guilty but it also felt nice to lounge. Today I will be productive...after I get done blogging.

We are doing family pictures on Saturday, Jaime is taking them for us. So, what always happens right before pictures? Bruises. That's right, my little baby, errr toddler, bumped her head on the bathroom cabinet and now has a nice colorful goose egg on her forehead. Surprisingly she didn't cry too long, but I felt horrible. And now I'm trying to figure out ways to make it disappear by Saturday. Hopefully makeup will do the trick.

My friend Erin and I get together often because we need the adult conversations and because we get along so well. She has been a life saver and I'm so glad we met. Her little boy Gabe is 7 months and Bria and him love talking to each other. It's so fun to see them interact now that they are older.

Gabe apparently just told Bria a pretty funny joke:
Just hanging out together:
Gabe wanted to touch Bria's curls and Bria didn't like it so she told Gabe's mommy on him:

We had Bria's last water baby lesson last night and she just has so much fun. She loves holding onto the edge of the pool and can do it all be herself for quite awhile. She also decided she didn't want me to hold her and wanted Erin to hold her. It was hilarious. She kept reaching for Erin and didn't want me to take her back. That is HUGE considering she's usually such a mama's girl. I have noticed that her separation anxiety has gotten a little better in the last week. I know it'll probably go in waves but it's so nice that she goes to other people now without screaming.
We did sign up for more water babies that will start again in May, then she'll be all ready for Shasta!

And here is a little video of Bria swinging:

I love her little laugh.


Unknown said...

She is so precious in the swing!! And when she's got that lip curled and is about to cry... too cute!! I'm sorry about Brian's hours!! :(

Marissa said...

Bria is just so stinking cute!!! I can always depend on you consistenly giving updates :) Yeah for the three hour nap! Brooklyn seems to nap like that for the sitter but not mommy, hmm...

Sarah C said...

It is soooooo important to get your own downtime when they actually nap. Good for you for indulging!

LOVE Bria's super cute hair.