Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Big girl and cuddles

Bria is a big girl now. We got to turn her car seat around to face forward and I think I was more excited than she was. Since she loved the mirror I put it on the back of the passenger seat so she could still see herself. Good thing I did because she laughs and giggles and has a grand old time looking in that mirror.

A few weeks ago Bria started cuddling with her stuffed animals when we put down for naps or bed. Brian and I cannot get over how cute it is. Usually she cuddles with her pink teddy/blanky thing, I call her pinky. But I don't want Bria to be short of options so she also has her brown teddy bear, pink & brown satin blankie, and her pink and brown polka dot blankie.
After reading that I realize I have a slight pink and brown obsession, but that's not anything new.
Anyway, she has been known to cuddle with all of them and I just love it. I was able to sneak in and take a picture during her nap the other day and brown bear was the choice of the afternoon.
She had to match her bedding so I put her in a pink and brown outfit. Totally kidding.
Kind of.


E said...

How is it possible that she's getting cuter?

Danielle said...

I am SO excited about turning Dillon's car seat around. Is that weird?! hahaha OMG, Bria cuddling that bear is just too cute!!

flojat said...

You crack me up! Look at her snuggling with her upside down bear. So cute!

Sarah C said...

I want to gobble her up! Love the carseat. :)