Friday, May 01, 2009


I am so glad it's Friday, I love the weekends! Plus, this weekend is extra special because my grandma Armstrong is coming into town!! We are so excited to see her and can't wait for her to meet little Bria. I've been talking to Bria and telling her to be on her best behavior so that she can be the favorite great grandchild ;) I am looking forward to learning lots of little songs from my grandma that I can sing to Bria. My grandma is the queen of cute songs and mantras.

It's funny how Bria will be on a good schedule for a week and then for a few days and nights she'll change it up on me. Just when I think we start to have a routine the little booger switches it all up. Fortunately it is not stressing me out like it was, I'm learning to try and be flexible and go with the flow.
For awhile she was going to bed around 8 pm, waking at 2:30 am, 6:30 am, and then up for the day around 9 am. Then for a few nights she woke up at 3:30 am, and then woke up for good at 7:30am. Those were nice. Then she did 1:30am, 5 am, and 7 am. I didn't like those nights very much, she had spoiled me for so long that I wasn't use to her getting up so often. The other night when she woke up at 1:30 am I decided to try and just give her the binkie and see if she'd go back to sleep. She doesn't always take her binkie when she sleeps, just sometimes. And usually it falls out after 5 minutes which doesn't bother her so I never thought to give it to her in these middle of the night wakings. Plus, she didn't sound very awake in the first place, it was like she was crying in her sleep. Well, it worked! The little angel went back to sleep and mommy was very happy. It is definitely true what they say, don't rush in when they first start crying. Bria usually fusses a little in the middle of her nap or in the middle of the night, but it doesn't mean she is awake. Realizing this and the binkie thing has helped tremendously.

We sat outside for awhile yesterday because it was so nice out, Bria loves it outside. She was very content just sitting on my lap.

Bria during her tummy time

Something else I want to note about Bria so I don't forget, is how wide-eyed she is. Right from the start Bria looked around and you could tell she was taking everything in, and it made you curious as to what she was thinking. When you hold her she looks you over very carefully and focuses on your face, I love it.

The Battle
The battle has begun. Mom vs Dad, which will she say first? I say Mommy all day long hoping that it will be her first word, knowing full well that Daddy is easier to say and the odds are against me. But a mom can hope!


flojat said...

I love the pictures of your feet! : )

Shannon said...

Im with Kat, the feet picture is absolutely adorable!

Anonymous said...

Trust me - you WANT her to say Daddy first. Then when she wakes up screaming in the middle of the night, it will be for him, not you. Then he'll have to get up with her while you get to stay in bed and sleep.

E said...

I totally agree on the schedule thing. I really think babies should be born with a predictable button.

Carly said...

the feet pictures kill me- look at those adorable tiny chubby toes!!!