Friday, May 08, 2009

Good stuff

I put Bria in this little yellow outfit for one last time, it is too small now but it's adorable. She wore it when she was just 1 week old so it fits a little differently now:

1 week old:

Is this not the sweetest face you've ever seen? I love those pouty lips.

Back to the outfit, here is Bria wearing it at 2 1/2 months:

Those chunky legs really fill out the pants :)

Warning: This is about poo, I'm sorry but I just can't help it, poo is what we are about these days.

So Bria usually goes #2 once a day, but on Wednesday when I put her to bed I realized she hadn't gone all day. This was not a good sign as it meant she would probably go in the middle of the night and trying to clean that all up, change the sheets, and put her back to bed is a long process. When I went in at 7 am (yes she is still sleeping through the night, 8-7!) there was no sign of poo. She finally ended up going later that morning but it wasn't very much. She didn't go the rest of the day either. She definitely seemed crabbier than normal and wasn't smiling as much. Do you see where this is going?
This morning it finally happened. All the backed up poo came out and it was big. I walked in her room at 6:30 am and right away I could smell it. Poor thing, she was covered in poo from the chest down which could not have been very comfortable. It took awhile to clean her up and of course she wasn't happy because she had just woken up and here I am stripping her clothes off. But once I got her changed and clean, I fed her and she was the happiest girl ever.

Here she is talking and telling me all about the Big Poo of 2009. I have to hide the camera when I film her otherwise she stops what she's doing to stare at it, so at first you can't see her very well but it gets better.

Bria loves her baths, she splashes and splashes so much that I am usually drenched by the end of it. It's so worth it though, she has a blast. I even sing her a bath time song that I made up for her:

It's bath time it's bath time
Bria loves her bath time
She wants to shine all the time
Bria loves her bath time

I'm thinking I'll send it in to some artists, it'll probably go platinum.
My favorite time is after her bath, I dry her off, get her changed into one of her cute outfits, and then we sit and rock. She usually falls asleep pretty quickly, but I rock her for at least 15 minutes because I'm in heaven. Then I'll put her down in her crib for her morning nap. Mmmm, it's heaven.

It's Ghost Whisperer night! I LOVE our Friday nights. One, Brian is awake to enjoy it with us (he takes a nap when he gets home from work so he can stay up with us), two, we watch Ghost Whisperer together. Occasionally we even indulge in some popcorn. I look forward to Friday nights all week long, they are my favorite.
Hope you enjoy your Friday night and the weekend! It's time for me to take a shower since the little one is sleeping.


Silvina said...

She's so adorable. I love her voice when she talks. Enjoy your Friday night and your weekend too. Happy Mother's Day!

Brandi said...

Hahahaha- yes the poo. And watching that video makes me want to kiss on those cheeks so badly! Miss you guys!!!!!