Tuesday, May 26, 2009

4 day weekend!

Brian took today off work so he's been home for 4 days straight, it's awesome! I seriously love having him home, so I think we'll go ahead and win the lottery so he can do it forever.
He only has 2 more weeks of school and then he has 2 weeks off. He is taking summer classes which is a bummer, but he'll graduate sooner which is definitely a positive.

Brian stayed busy this weekend doing yard work, homework, and spending time with us. He put Bria down to bed which was so nice, she falls asleep with him in .2 seconds. Not that she's bad for me, but he definitely has a knack for putting her to sleep. We went to a BBQ Sunday and Monday and Bria did really well, even though her schedule got a little wonky. I do think Brian started appreciating my routine, he sees what a good sleeper she is and can't help but give credit to the routine. Although she is pretty adaptable, she still likes a schedule.

She started staying up for longer periods in the last few days, usually she's not up for more than 2 hours, but she went 3 1/2 hours yesterday and wasn't cranky. I was very impressed.

The weather here has been BEAUTIFUL, and it's suppose to get in the 80's on Thursday and Friday. That is a little warm for us since we don't have A/C, but we'll just open our windows in the morning and night to keep it cool.

I'm definitely trying to take advantage of the stage Bria is at right now. Meaning I put headbands on her and hats and know she won't rip them off. It's also nice that she is not mobile, if I set her down some place she'll stay there. As much as I love watching her grow and learn new things, it's nice that she is entertained in one spot. Soon I know I'll be chasing her around.

I had a little scare with my milk production. Since Bria has been sleeping through the night my milk started adjusting which is good because I wasn't waking up in excruciating pain anymore, but during the day they weren't as full. One time she started screaming when I was feeding her and I realized it was because there was nothing coming out. Luckily the other one worked for her and she was able to eat. So I started pumping more and I think I'm back to normal, whew.

Plans for this weekend include BBQ's and a first birthday party for Tiff and Eric's little girl, Maggie. Should be some good times.

Bria being her beautiful self, I love those baby blues:

She loves to lay on a blanket and talk to you, and I love listening to her and looking at those rolls on her arms :)

I took a picture of Bria in her swing and I couldn't believe how big she looked. It made me go back and look at the picture of her first time in the swing. Wow, she has grown so much in 3 months!

3 months ago:

I guess that is some good breast milk she is getting.

Nate and Amy joined us at Brian's Dad's BBQ on Monday and it was good to see them. Here is a picture of Nate holding Bria. We'll let Bria break him in so he's ready when him and Amy start having some babies :)

Bria and I supervised Daddy while he did yardwork, it was such a nice weekend. Doesn't she look precious in her little hat?

I went upstairs to get Bria's room ready for bed (close the curtains and turn on her little fan/humidifier) and when I came back downstairs she was already asleep. Thanks Dad!
Now if he could wake up (he's sleeping since his schedule is different) and put her back down for her nap since she thinks a 20 minute nap is ok. Silly girl.


Danielle said...

It's amazing to see how much she's grown! Those pictures in the swing are fantastic! She has matured and changed so much. She's adorable!

flojat said...

What a fun weekend! Love the pictures!

Lindsay said...

Sounds like you all had a great weekend! I love bria in her hat, so cute!

Steph said...

She's such a doll!! I love that cute little headband! :)

Erin said...

Hi! I landed over here from another blog I read. I have a 2 month old and am loving it too! You seem to have a great schedule going... this is something I struggle with. Do you mind sharing your day to day with your LO?

Z said...

That sounds like an awesome weekend, sweety!

She has gotten so big, and so gorgeous. I love her hat and her momma. :)

Ro @ Ro is me! said...

Aww! Love her big blue eyes!