Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day by Day

Things are going pretty good. Bria slept through the night for a few nights, then woke up once a few nights. Not sure what makes her wake up on the nights she does, but I'm wondering if I should switch her bath from the morning to night. We'll see, I love our morning routine so that might be tough, but if it ensures she'll sleep through the night then it's worth it.

We had a great weekend since the weather was so nice. While Bria took a nap on Saturday, Brian and I worked out in the yard and it felt wonderful. The yard is looking sharp and I look like I was out in the sun :)
Bria did great at the Daddy Boot Camp class, and Brian of course had a good time with the Dads and spending time with his baby girl. Bria even got a little pink camouflage onesie that says: "Boot Camp, I AM basic training," isn't that adorable?

I got my wisdom tooth pulled on Thursday. Ouch. I do feel fortunate that I only had one wisdom tooth since most people have 3 or 4, but it still hurt. I didn't go under or get nitrus, just got numbed so I had the pleasure of hearing them crack my tooth and yank it out. It still makes me shiver. I thought it would take a day to heal since it was just one, but I was wrong. It's still a little swollen and is sore. Hopefully soon I'll feel normal again!

I think that is all for today, tomorrow Bria will be 3 MONTHS OLD!!!!

One of my friends made Bria this little hat and bootie set, it's so cute!

"Thug for life"

The day I got my wisdom tooth pulled I layed on the couch and Bria was so good to lay there with me so I had to take a picture of my little angel:

She loves her cousins, and Jaidyn and Kailey love to entertain her:

I got her a summer hat but it's a little big:

I had to snap a picture of her in these jammies since it was the last time she wore them, she is just getting so big!


goeckie said...

That "thug" picture is cracking me up! She is such a cutie!

Lindsay said...

Can we please get a pict of bria in the camouflage onesie? That is the cutest thing i've ever heard of!

Steph said...

Wow... I remember reading your blog quite some time ago, maybe a year or two? I'm just getting around to it again now, and I'm glad I did!
Congrats on the baby, she's a doll :) I'll be sure to check your blog out more often from now on.

Shannon said...

I love Bria in all of her cute outfits, she is such a doll! And I agree, I want to see the camo onesie!