Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What's her name?

Is it Reese? Is it Makena?
If you know us in person than you have probably been confused when we talk about Reese. I call her Reese. Because that's her name. The one we decided on before she was born. Ya know, the one we put on her birth certificate right after she came out of my hoo ha.

"Haha, you said hoo ha, you're funny Mom!"
Well, Brian likes the name Makena because he came up with it. So that's what he calls her. Even though we decided to name her Reese.
I don't get it either.

At first I was very mad about it. I was like, "Knock it off!! Her name is Reese! Shulalala!" {That last part is just a weird noise that I probably made}. And then I decided to not get worked up about it. Mainly because he wouldn't stop and I didn't want to live all mad at my husband. Yep, I took the high road. It feels good up here on the high road, but I'm starting to feel bad for my poor child who is probably a little confused about her name. I've brought it up a few times and it never gets resolved, so now we are at the point where we may just wait and let her decide when she gets older. 
But I could really use some suggestions on what to do. So give me your thoughts and opinions!

Adorable operator standing by to hear your opinion...


Anonymous said...

They are both beautiful names and I think it is really cute that daddy calls her Makena. You can also look at it like a nickname, like when your dad called you Sis.

Lulu said...

Thank you for your opinion babe, but I already have yours :)

tegner two said...

That's hilarious. My thoughts: since I have a name w/ multiple nicknames (Jennifer, Jenny, Jen) I purposely chose a name for our son that he wouldn't have to worry about correcting teachers on his preferred name, etc. I think asking people that go by their middle name would be great. Schuyler for example and even grandma. When we went to the airport they had to call the supervisor over since her ticket said Venice C. and her drivers license says V. Clotele, she didn't have another photo ID so it could've been a hassle, but I think they felt bad for her:) Things like that would just make it more of an obstacle. Or filling out forms at medical offices, etc. Ok that's all for now, good luck.

The Beavers said...

So truly and honestly...I like what "anonymous" said! I hate siding with wifey's need to stick together...but I think it is cute that he would have his own little name for her, something just between him and his baby girl. Whatever you decide to do or call her will work out just right! I wouldn't sweat it :)

Jensen Five said...

GO WITH REESE!!! It is way less common than Makena.

Kris and MaLanie said...

I love the name Reese!! It's so much cuter. I have way too many nieces and nephews that go by their middle name and it sucks when they go to school. Just let Brian call her Makena like a nickname.