Monday, September 24, 2012

Some Bria love

Since we just had Reese's birthday it's been all about her lately so I want to make sure I don't leave out updates of Bria.
Her friend, Sophie, had her 4th birthday party and it was at this place called Bliss Cupcakes. The kids got to decorate a cupcake and then eat it, Bria was thrilled about this. Then after that they decorated paper cupcakes with glitter and stickers and markers. It was a little kids dream, CUPCAKES!

Kenzie and Bria also played ring around the rosie

It was pretty stinkin' cute

Attempting to capture a picture of the kiddos

Sophie's on the right, she didn't want to get too close :)

Our tree huggers

Kenzie and Bria are all about the loves, Sophie...not so much haha!

 Bria has grown up so much in the last few months. I have noticed such a change in how we communicate and how she expresses herself. She asks a billion and one questions a day which gets just a wee bit old after awhile...but she asks some pretty intelligent questions at times and that makes me smile.
We have a lot fewer tantrums these days then the 2 year old days and I am beyond grateful for that. She does get frustrated easily and tends to scream and/or cry when she gets frustrated, but I am afraid to admit that she probably gets that from me. Err, no, I never do that, forget I said that.
She is such a sweetheart to Reese (most the time) and will play with her and give her toys and food. She even shared her cookie with her the other day, that is the ultimate act of love from Bria. I didn't even ask her to, she just walked over and broke some off and gave it to her. Melted my heart.

Cute sisters
 Bedtime here is kind of fun because these two girls get all wild and crazy and adorable. Most the time Brian and I love watching them and playing with them, but I'll admit when we're tired and it's been a long day we aren't quite as patient ;)

Cuddling before bed

 I'm just in shock at how big Bria is getting. She is this little person who learns so fast and is so incredibly articulate, I am in awe of her. I am beyond proud of the girl she is and love her so much, to the moon and back.
My sweet Bria

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