Monday, November 01, 2010


Halloween was a hit this year and I know Bria had a great time. We took her to an outside mall that had trick-or-treating and lots of fun little goody bags for the kids.

Brian with his little flower

Those cheeks are squish-able!

I didn't even whip out my camera once. You may be saying, "Wow, you're a horrible mom." But you're just jealous you don't have a Heather and Amy who make sure to get at least 100 photos. It's fantastic.
And it makes me feel like a movie star ;)
Bria had fun walking around and looking at all the kids dressed up in costumes.
She was in awe.

And even though it was cold out she still wanted to take a dip in the fountains. But we distracted her with the promise of more candy if we kept walking.
So she ran, which oddly enough, is slower than her walk. It's more of a dance really, so much fun to watch.

And they even had a playground for the kids to play on:

Bria loved this.
Until she got a balloon:
She LOVED her balloon, it was the hit of the night.

Skipping and singing with her balloon

"Don't leave me balloon!"

Then it was time to run home for dinner.

We ended the night at Heather and Amy's for dinner and of course some wine...
Vampire wine!!
Amy and I have a wee bit obsession with vampires. Although mine started with the Cullen's, and Amy was a fan way before that so she wins. The wine was delicious by the way.

Bria was not as interested in dinner but she was sure in a good mood.
I just love my Bria Boo.

She loved passing out candy to trick-or-treaters. There was one little spiderman that I think she had a crush on because they stood there and stared at each other for a good minute. Then she grabbed some candy and shoved it in his bag. Made me laugh so hard.
It was a very successful Halloween, we had a blast. I think I was more tired than Bria though because as soon as I put her down for bed I crashed on the couch next to Brian. I think at some point he woke me up and I moved into the bedroom. Then crashed until morning. It was a long weekend and apparently caught up with me. Let's hope the coffee kicks in and I can get some energy to entertain Bria today :)


Lindsay said...

What a cute costume!

Brandi said...

Adorable flower! And PF Changs, Container Store and Vampire Wine? You're killing me here.

Kris and MaLanie said...

Bria was a beautiful flower! I'm glad you had such a fun Halloween.

Kendra and Nathan said...

She looks so the last picture of you and Bria!