Saturday, September 04, 2010

Catch Up

Alright, one month until we move into our apartment and then we'll finally have some normalcy and routine, I can't wait! But currently we are still in transition. We just returned from Arizona and had a fabulous trip (I'll post about that later) and now we're staying the weekend at our house and gathering more stuff to take up to Heather's.
I've missed blogging since it's my way of journaling, but it's also been kind of nice taking a break from technology.
Hopefully I'll be better about blogging now that we'll be back at Heather's where my computer is at. My plan is to do a bunch of catch up posts and flood them with pictures :)

So here is a mini update of us:

  • Enjoying his job and learns more everyday
  • Still gets lost in the huge building he works in
  • LOVES his hours
  • Grew a goatee (couldn't have one at UPS) which his wife loved but he shaved it because it was itchy
  • Is still an awesome husband and father
  • Feels like a chicken with her head cut off due to the lack of stability and living out of a suitcase
  • Hates living out of a suitcase
  • LOVES Brian's job and his hours
  • LOVES Bria at 18 months, she is sooooo much fun
  • Not so in love with Bria's new sleeping habits, which I blame on our lack of stability
  • Is in desperate need of a haircut
  • Hates living out of a suitcase
  • Is rockin' longer curls than ever!
  • Has gotten tanner from the Arizona sun
  • Talks a lot and all day long (I'm loving the communication)
  • Is handling all this moving stuff really well, accept when it comes to sleeping
Bria decided that when I put her down she is going to cry, which makes me feel really bad. It could be because she's been in a pack 'n play for 2 weeks, I'm not really sure. She wakes up really early in the morning and wakes up from her naps after an hour so I have to go in and rub her back until she falls asleep. Part of it may be the fact that I was gone for 2 days in Sunriver and she's scared I'm going to leave again. She has been really clingy lately. Who knows, either way I'm hoping she'll go back to her awesome sleep habits when she is back in her crib...or now would be great too.
Other than that Bria has been a trooper and enjoys being a ham for every one around her. She loves going up to other kids and saying hi and just loves meeting new people. I flew to Arizona and back alone with her and I was pretty nervous but she did really well. Fortunately the flight is only 2 hours, anything longer than that I think would've been pretty tough.
I am loving how well she communicates with us, it makes things so much easier. If she needs helps she'll say, "Help Mommy," instead of grunting or screaming at me. She says Thank You without me prompting her and is getting better with please. She is forming sentences which is really fun to hear and she loves making silly faces. She also LOVES songs and often sings along with me which is just precious for me. Yeah, we have a lot of fun together.

Our house still hasn't sold and the interest in it has declined so we are lowering the price. It feels really soon to do that but we also feel like we're wasting money each month when we pay the mortgage so we felt it made sense to get it sold faster. I'm really praying we can get it sold.

Brian's new job has been such a blessing and we are just thrilled. He is liking it and although it's overwhelming right now learning the lingo and all his job duties, he still is so positive and optimistic about his career. I can never say enough prayers about how grateful we are that he got this job, it's wonderful and amazing, and every other happy adjective in the dictionary.

The other week I went to Lanie's and had fun catching with her as our girls played:

Bristol wasn't so sure about sitting next to Bria at first

Then she warmed up :)

They played in this crib for quite awhile together

Alright, I'm gonna go start on some other posts so check back soon for Arizona pictures :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Are you able to reason with her and get her to eat fruits and the like? :) I'm glad Brianna likes his job!! And you'll be settled soon in your apartment!