Monday, September 27, 2010

Soccer excitement

Bria and I started our Saturday by going to Jaidyn's soccer game. It's amazing to see how good she has gotten, her team isn't running in a herd around the ball anymore. They have positions and stay in their zone. It was so much fun and Jaiydn is really good, she's a fast little thing!
Jaidyn running in for a little break

Bria decided she liked the big girl water bottle

Schuyler put Kailey's soccer shoes on Bria and she thought it was pretty cool. She especially liked "tying" the laces.

Uncle Schuyler helping take off the shoes

"That was so much fun Mom!"

Pure excitement

"That was fun, let's go to more soccer games."

If it wasn't for Bria's nap time I would've gone to Kailey and Porter's too. But fortunately there are more games to come. Bria had a good time loved watching the game, she would clap and yell, "Go Beabers!" Apparently she has Bieber fever ;P

Early that evening I headed out with Kayla to the best concert I have ever been to: Carrie Underwood. Seriously, best time ever. But I'll go into detail a little later. Marna watched Bria and they had a great time together and I was so thankful to be able to have a night out.


Leslie Collins said...

I bet she was awesome in concert.

Love the pictures of Miss Bria.

Hey, head over to my won my drawing! :) Email me your address.

Sarah C said...

"Go Beabers"? My heart just exploded from the cutness!