Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Beaver Cheerleader

The first pre-season game was on Saturday and we celebrated with lots of friends. We went up to our friend, Nate's parents house and boy do they know how to bbq some hamburgers.
Bria did really well and was passed around from mom to mom (all of whom are dying for grandkids!).
My Mom and Randy got her this adorable cheer outfit and well, I'll let you see how cute it is:

Yep, she even has a Beaver sippy cup. That's how we roll.

"If I smile will you let me go play?"

The cutest stunt partners ever :)

While we didn't win the game we did well and it gave us lots of hope for an awesome season. I'm sad that summer is almost over but I'm so excited for football season and Halloween and all that good stuff.

Yesterday and today were my first official days alone in Portland while Brian was at work. I attempted to go to Winco since I had been there twice, once with Heather and once with Brian. I of course got a tiny bit lost but eventually found it, only to get a teeny bit lost on the way home too.
But I got brave again today and ventured to the library. I found it very successfully but was not so impressed with the library since they didn't have toys for the kids. I guess I was spoiled with our small town library, they had a huge play section for the kids and tons of toys, it was wonderful. I know there are other libraries around so I'll have to go check those out as well.
I'm on the hunt for some good indoor places to take Bria, preferably free :) And if I'm being honest I'm also on the hunt for a friend or two, it's getting a little lonely and I'm only 2 days in...yikes.


Brandi said...

Awww- I wish we were moving to Portland. I would be your friend! Bria is ridiculously cute in her cheerleader outfit. I see spirit fingers in her future!

Unknown said...

Love the littlest Beaver cheerleader!! :) You'll find places to go and you'll meet people!! Maybe there's info online?

Danielle said...

Um, I'm DYING from how cute that picture of Bria and Brian is. That is so precious!!! It's tough getting settled in a new area. Keep visiting parks and libraries and you're bound to find some mommy friends!

Kris and MaLanie said...

I cannot say this enough - Bria is adorable!! I'm sad to think of you all alone in Portland. I'm coming home soon!!!! I'll take you to my library. They don't have tons of toys, but they do have puppets and puzzles and lots of board books. And you have to come to our play group activities. I can't wait to hang out with you guys more now that you're in my part of town!!

Lulu said...

I am so happy you live so close Lanie! You are going to be my life saver that is for sure. Hope you guys are having fun and can't wait to see ya :)

Sarah C said...

Oh my goodness, she is ADORABLE! Brian looks so serious!

Wish you were up here. It's lonely as well.