Monday, August 10, 2009

Busy weekend

It seemed like we stayed pretty busy this weekend. Friday we went over to see our friends' Dave and Cinnamon and their little girl Scarlette, it was so fun catching up. Cinnamon is due in October with their second little one :) Oh my goodness Scarlette has the most beautiful hair, it is white blond and just gorgeous. Pair that with her blue eyes and she is adorable :)
Bria had fun watching Scarlette play and Scarlette was really good with Bria.

Saturday we actually had a pretty chill day which was nice, so I guess we weren't busy the whole weekend, but it felt that way. Little miss Bria has had a stuffy nose. I thought she was getting sick (Brian got sick again, 2nd time in 5 weeks, 3rd time in 5 months! so annoying) but she never acted sick, just had a really stuff nose. Maybe teething? Anyway, she started doing better Saturday which was good. Friday night was her worst night, I think we got about 4 hours of sleep. We had to hold Bria on our chest while sitting up otherwise all the snot would collect and she couldn't breath very well. We had the cool mist humidifier going which helped, but she had a lot of snot.

Fortunately her stuffy nose was gone by Sunday and we headed up to Portland to see my cousin's little baby!! She just had her on Thursday evening (one day before her due date) and I was beyond excited to see a brand new baby again. I must say, it's dangerous to hold a new baby because it makes you want one again, lol. Her name is Bristol Lyn and she is the tiniest thing, she weighed 5 pounds 12 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. Oh my goodness she was precious, so stinkin' cute. She slept pretty much the whole time we were there. She did make the cute newborn squeaks when she was hungry and I just loved them. Now I understand why Jaime kept wanting to hear Bria cry as a newborn. It's the cutest little sound.

Lanie and I with each other's babies (yes Lanie is wearing jeans, 3 days after birth. I was all happy that I fit into them after 2 weeks, pfff.)
The cool thing here is that Lanie is 5 months younger than I am, and Bristol is 5 1/2 months younger than Bria. Also, our cousin Tasha (who is 7 months older than me) has a little girl that is 3 months older than Bria. Follow that? Either way it's pretty cool we all had girls in the same order that we were born.

We thought it was funny that Bristol's feet were the same size as Bria's:

The 2 lil' cousins (we're not even going to try bother with the whole 2nd cousin thing):

Bria looks ginormous, ha!
Now we just need to add Payten (Tasha's girl) to these pictures and we're good :)

My Aunt Loann (Lanie's mom) had fun kissing on Bria's chubby thighs and even put her to sleep for a little bit:

We had so much fun visiting with the family and we're so excited for Kris and Lanie, congrats parents!

While in Portland we also stopped by to see Aunt Heather and Aunt Amy. They took us to breakfast and then we did some shopping. Heather carried Bria through all the stores which is very impressive because that little girl can get heavy :) Bria was not complaining, in fact she took a little nap. She was definitely spoiled yesterday, getting to take all her naps on somebody's chest.

We were all pretty tired when we got home, but fortunately Bria was still in good spirits. She enjoyed rolling around on her blanket and eventually off the blanket:

"I just wanted to get to my toys Mommy."
Bria tried squash last night and LOVED it. The girl could not get enough, it was so funny. She ate the entire Gerber 1st foods container which she has never done, usually she eats half. It's good to know she likes squash, I'm going to need to learn how to prepare it when she gets older.

I've tried that last couple days to upload the video of Bria saying Mama, but blogger is not letting me. Very frustrating. I'll keep trying though.


Tasha Coltrin said...

So fun wish I could have been there. Bria is getting so big. :) Miss ya!! Love ya

Emilie said...

Looks like a fun time! I can't believew how big Bria is getting!!