Thursday, August 20, 2009

6 Months

Well, it came. Bria is 6 months old and I cannot believe it. I guess I assumed time would freeze and she would stop growing and would always fit in her cute little newborn clothes, but apparently that is not going to happen.
Bria is just so much fun and we love her to pieces, here is what she's been up to:

Rolls back to belly, belly to back, left and right-The girl rolls all over the place!
Sleeps on her belly
Sleeps through the night most the time (7:30 pm-6:30 am)
Has a little tooth on the bottom that broke through and is VERY sharp, her other bottom one is right at the surface
Sitting up on her own for about 30 seconds and gets better at it everyday
Takes short naps and is staying up longer between naps
Says Da-da and Mom
Eating solids and loving her vegetables, especially green beans
Grabs at your cup when you drink
Grabs your arm with her feet (little monkey!)
Grabs her toys with her feet :)
Loves to eat her toes, both left and right
Loves Daddy's chest to lay on
Loves Mommy's chest (for a different reason...boobs)
Has big beautiful blue eyes
Very blond hair
Likes her swing
Plays with more toys
Wears 6 month clothes
Wears size 2 diapers
Loves when you sing her name

I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but that's at least a start of what she is doing at 6 months old.

Her stats (these surprised me a bit):

Length: 26 inches - 60th percentile
Weight: 15 lb .05 oz - 35th percentile
Head: 16.75 inches - 50th percentile

I can't believe she's only in the 35th percentile for weight, she's so chunky! The doctor was not concerned at all and said Bria is doing really well.
She did notice that her legs are not symmetrical-when you hold them straight one leg is a little longer. So she had us get Bria's hips x-rayed. At first I almost started crying and got really worried. But she kept reassuring me that 95% of the time it's nothing, she just wants to rule out any possibilities.
So after the appointment we went over to the hospital and got her x-rayed. Fortunately we already heard back (I think the doctor could tell I was a little concerned) and everything is fine, she looks great. She did say that there is a lot of poop in there and that is probably why she throws up so much. I was actually quite relieved to hear this because I don't think everyone believes me when I say Bria throws up a lot. At first the doctor kept telling me it was probably reflux, but I highly doubted it because she is not in pain when she spits up.
After the x-ray showed all Bria's poop, the doctor said she is probably not able to keep all her food down because she is so full of poop (leave it to Brian's daughter to be full of shit, hehe). So we're instructed to get some Gerber prune/applejuice and give her some of that. I hope that helps clear her out, poor thing.

"Close your eyes Thumper, there's nothing to see here"

"Oh dude, cover your nose, I just tooted"

"What's up with your eyes dude?"

"Hehe, that was me."

"Up high Thumper."

She's waking up from her nap so I gotta run. I can't believe she is 6 months old, in just 6 short months she'll be 1. AHHHH! :tear:


Unknown said...

So cute and the 6 mos have flown by!!


Unknown said...

what adorable pictures! and i love your cute little captions...

Carly said...

where has the time gone??? I love how she is interactive with the bunny now