Friday, June 15, 2007

It's almost time!!!

Well, it is finally here. We are headed to Shasta today and I am just thrilled!!! It is about a 5 1/2 hour drive and hopefully traffic won't be too bad.

We took MJ to Grandma's last night and then she took us out to dinner at a really good pizza place, it was so nice of her! Especially since she is the one helping us out :) Then we did the last minute grocery shopping and headed home to pack up the car. When we walked in the door I totally expected MJ to jump off the couch like she always does and come running to give me kisses, but alas no MJ. I almost cried, can you believe that?!?! I'm such a dork, but I couldn't help it, she's my baby and it feels so weird to not have her at home. But it definitely is reassuring to know she is happy with Grandma :)

My mom and Randy headed down on Tuesday and she said it is absolutely wonderful, she even said to bring a fan for the tent because it will get so warm! It doesn't get below 60 at night, that's my kind of camping!

I will be sure to take lots of pictures, we brought extra batteries and have a large memory card so we should be set. Now that I think about it we should take our video camera too, I always forget to use that!

BTW: Thanks so much for the comments, I love reading them, they always put a smile on my face :) I am addicted to so many blogs so it will tough not to have them to read every morning with my coffee!

Have a great weekend and pray that we have a safe trip there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a safe trip. Post pic's when you return.