Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Work Work Work

I do not enjoy month end at all. It lasts at least 4 days and it entails 10-11 hour days, no breaks or lunches. I left for work this morning at 6:30 am and got home at 7:30 pm. I at a piece of toast at 4 pm while still plugging in numbers. I am so tired and as you can tell, grumpy!

Scary news
My brother Lance got in a dirt bike accident yesterday. It was really scary to get a text from my mom saying she was in the ER because Lance had gotten in a wreck. He was on a gravel road and hit a pothole and slide on his right side. The peg from the motorcycle put a hole in his right ankle so deep you could peel the skin back and see the bone. He also has two holes in his elbow that are just as deep. Since there is a high risk of infection they did not stitch him up, so even with all the bandages and wrapping they did yesterday, he was still bleeding through it last night. The right side of his body is all bandaged up from bad road rash. Luckily he was wearing a helmet and he is okay, I hated being an hour away from him because I really wanted to go see him in the hospital. He of course was in great spirits when I did get to see him last night, tough guy my brother is.

Here he is in the hospital, it looks 10 times worse in person too!
WARNING: Graphic picture below!
Here is his ankle, ouch!

We could not be more grateful that he is okay, love you buddy!

Well, I'm tired and I've been on the computer all day so I think I'm gonna relax with my hubby. He's the only thing getting me through these days, just knowing I get to come home to him is inspiration enough for me! Sorry for the grumpy post, work is weighing on me!

Have a great week!


Kari said...

Oh my gosh, that's scary! I can't believe how big Lance is now. I remember him as a 3 year old. Sorry work is so demanding and all consuming. Hopefully it will lighten up.

Emilie said...

Hey there stranger! Im sooo glad that your brother is okay!! How scary is that!?!?! Atleast he is okay and nothing worse happened. You better tell him to be more careful! ;) Sorry that work is going so badly. I hoope it get better and hopefully you have an awesome weekend!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that your brother is okay. His ankle looked awful! Hope you have a great weekend. :)