Monday, July 09, 2012

A new baby!

Jenny and Kyle had their baby!!! She had him Sunday early morning so when we woke up we drove down and could not wait to hold that sweet little thing. First we went to my Mom's to drop the girls off.

Getting them all set up outside :)

I LOVE putting them in matching outfits

My handsome man and me
Once the girls were settled and we got the go ahead from the new parents, we headed to the hospital. We picked up some Taco Bell for Jenny on the way, per her request :)
We walked in and I didn't know who to hug first, the new parents or the sweet baby boy! He was nursing so I chose to hug the parents first :) Once I got my hands on him I didn't want to let him go.
Check out that hair!!! He has a ton, and it was all stylin' in a mohawk
Jax Wesley Tegner, 7 lbs 10 oz, loads of hair.
Look how he's adoring his Aunt Lulu ;)
Uncle Lance came to see his nephew too. Lance said Jax gave him hope that he too could have a boy. Before Jax, Lance was convinced he would have all girls since that is the trend in our family.

I believe when Brian held him he said, "Maybe we should have another one."
My uterus twitched a little but my mind said, "Heck to the no, I want sleep!"

Seriously, he is so handsome!

I miss him already

I'm so proud of my sister, I hear she did awesome.
So that's what we did this weekend, it was fabulous!

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Yep. Almost shot tea out of my nose when I read uterus twitch. I TOTALLY can relate! And Jax is absolutely handsome- congratulations to your sister!