Wednesday, July 04, 2012

America rocks!

I love the 4th of July. It represents America's freedom. It represents that summer has arrived in Oregon. It's all very happy stuff. 
I use to love the fireworks too. Now?
Well, now I have two little kids. And I really wish my neighbors would stop setting off illegal fireworks because they are so loud our house is shaking. 
But I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune in a few years.
Either way, I still love the fourth.

We had my little sister, Cassidy, come up and stay with us for a couple days. The girls love having her and so do Brian and I, she is a huge help. It's fun to spend some sister time with her like painting her nails, going grocery shopping (I don't think she thought that was very fun, but ya know ;), and did her hair. I also love seeing her with my girls and I know Bria adores her and wants to drag her around everywhere. Cassidy would carry Reese around all day if I let her, she never wanted to put her down! 

Reese and Cassidy
 As you can tell from the photos, Reese is suffering from adorable red cheeked syndrome, also known as eczema + teething. Apparently a tooth (or 4) should be popping through soon since her cheeks are red. This is according to google, so ya know, it's solid facts.
My girls with their Aunt Cassidy

Today for the fourth we went to Brian's Dad's house. We had a BBQ, chatted about wine, played outside, and had a good time.
Reese was a ham as usual
 And to help explain the following picture (the one where Bria is holding a nude colored fuzzy thing) I must tell you how obsessed Bria is with Rapunzel. The girl wants long, blond hair and talks about it all the time.
All day long.
All day.
Anyway. I have a robe with a tie thingy (official name for sure) and she has now taken that tie thingy and permanently named it her Rapunzel hair. So every morning I have to put it in her hair so it can drag behind her. Fortunately she let's me take it off before we go anywhere. But seriously, it's getting ridiculous.
Aunt Heather with her girls
And then she found one of Grandma Kathie's scarves and decided it was the perfect Rapunzel hair. Grandma Kathie was nice enough to send it home with her.
So now I can have my tie thingy back and close my robe...I'm sure my neighbors are grateful. ;)


Brandi said...

Aww, I remember Austin's first Fourth! You held him and we then went inside to read to him and MJ- since they were equally distressed by the fireworks ;)

Lulu said...

I remember that too! That was a really good 4th, your reading helped calm MJ :)