Thursday, July 26, 2012

13 hours and baby cuddles

So Bria hasn't been napping for the last month or two. At least not consistently, about 2 or 3 times a week she'll get tired enough and pass out for an hour. I'm actually totally okay with it because Reese is taking two naps and their naps aren't really overlapping anymore so this way we can get out of the house easier. 
Anyway, the other evening I took her for a bike ride and she was throwing a big fit so when we got back home at 6 pm I told her she needed to go to her room and take a break. At 6:30 pm I went to talk to her and she was sound asleep in her bed all cuddled up. 
We did not hear from her until 7 am the next morning. Not even kidding. 13 hours.
I tried to take her to the bathroom at 10 pm when we went to bed, but I could not for the life of me wake her up. 
The girl was TI-RED!
Playing musical glasses

The food coloring just makes it pretty :)
I would love to get her in piano lessons but, um, we don't have a piano so that might be difficult :)
And he's just a photo of my youngest, wondering why I always have the big camera in my face
 So the Tegner's stopped by on their way down from Seattle where Jax attended his first Yankees game! Only 2 1/2 weeks old and already a super fan :)
I was beside myself with giddyness, I waited at the window (literally, I'm not joking) until I saw their car turn the corner into our neighborhood and then I ran outside to greet them at the car. I promptly took Jax and went inside. I think Jenny and Kyle eventually came in, who knows, I had the baby and that was all I needed. Just kidding...kind of ;)
He was so precious and I can't believe how big Reese is now, it made me realize how flippin' fast she is growing.
The girls were smitten with their cousin. Reese loved his hair, she is slightly jealous.
"Wow, that's a lot of hair Aunt Jenny, how did you do that?"

It looks like Bria is cuddling her sister, but in reality she picked her up and moved her on the floor so that she (Bria) could be closer to Jax.

Holding her baby cousin

Holding my 3rd and newest nephew, I could not get enough

Oh the cuteness

His little personality coming through

Here he is thanking his Dad for bringing him to see his Aunt Lulu :)

We're matching because we're awesome

Brian got to hold him for a second, long enough so I could take a picture and then I snatched him back
I didn't realize how brutal it would be not to be able to see Jax everyday. They grow so fast at this age that I don't like not being able to see him often and help Jenny out. But fortunately Aunt Jaime and the Moms have been taking great care of Jenny. Jenny and I talked about how bad we felt that when Jaime had babies we were young and didn't help.
We would go over and snuggled our nieces and nephews, eat her food, and then leave, lol. I mean, we didn't even bring her dinner! Sorry Jaime, we were so young! We'll make up for it somehow though.  

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