Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Social butterfly and backyard camping!

One of the first questions that Bria asks in the morning is who we are going to see and where are we going to go. 
She's made so many good friends up here and I think she really enjoys it. Playing dress up is one of her favorite things to do, fortunately all her friends have dress up clothes :)

Bria and Kenzie

Caiden gettin' some love from the ladies...I love Sophie's face, she's saying "Easy ladies, that's my brother!"
Last Saturday night Bria had a sleepover and camp out. Brian was super excited. He decided he really wanted to camp out with Bria in the backyard and invited his co-worker, Bruce, and his son Liam. Now, Liam and Bria absolutely adore each other. We've gotten together for playdates with them and Bria just LOVES him. Seriously.
She talks about how she is going to marry him and just today I had the following conversation with her:

Bria: "I want to go to the store that Grammy goes to when she sings and I want to go there with Liam.
Me: ? "Wha?"
Bria: "Where we sing, I want to go there with Liam!"
Me: (channeling my psychic mom powers) "Oh, you want to go to Grammy's church with Liam?"
Bria: "YEAH!!"

I love that she wants to take him to church :)

Anyway, back to the camp out. So Bruce and Liam packed their stuff and came over. Unfortunately Brian and Bria were at the store when they arrived, but 2 minutes later they came home and when Bria saw Liam she ran as fast as she could and clothes lined him to the ground. 
We all thought she was going in for a hug, including Liam, but she tackled him to the ground in pure happiness. It was hilarious to say the least. 
They played in the pool out back where I saw Bria lean her head on his and tell him, "Liam, I want to marry you." His reply? Embarrassed giggle. 
Yeah, it was the cutest thing ever. 
After dinner, dessert, pool time and running around like crazy kids, they settled in for a movie. Or 3. No, they did not watch 3 movies from start to finish. They watched about 20 minutes of each. Fickle kiddos couldn't make their minds up.

Liam with his dinosaur and Bria with her snake 

Snuggled in their sleeping bags for a movie

It was 9:30 at this point and although I normally would freak out (okay, so maybe internally I was freaking a little), Bria was having a blast and so was Brian. Finally they went and set up the tents and we got everything ready. The kiddos each took a flashlight out and got into their tents with their Dads, despite their requests to sleep together in the same tent.
The Dads' plan was to sit outside the tents and chat while the kids slept, but Liam was a little homesick, so they put him in the tent with Bria and he was out. Bria? Oh she was in heaven, she was crawling on him, talking to him and just being goofy. Liam slept through all of it. 
I know, I'm jealous too.
Before nodding off to sleep Bria asked Brian if they could build a fire. He told her it was too late (plus, we don't even have a fire pit, but ya know, minor detail) and she said, "Dad, we are camping and you said we could build a fire." Love that girl. He convinced her they would do it next time. 
I guess we will be getting a fire pit or something. 
Then, she finally fell asleep.
And Brian took this picture.

Are you kidding me?! That is ADORABLE!!! My little mother hen is comforting him and I just love it. She is such a cuddler.
The Dad's ordered Dominos apparently, and had the guy deliver it over the fence. I'm not even joking. I was laughing when I saw the pizza boxes the next morning.
Bria woke up at 5 am to what was probably a nightmare and Brian couldn't get her to calm down so he finally put her in her own bed where she slept until 9 am.
Brian can't wait to do another Daddy/Daughter camp out, with both his girls :)

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