Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Her first week

Oh my goodness, I cannot believe my baby Reese is 1 week old today, it makes me want to cry. It is going by waaaaaay too fast, I truly mean that. I am cuddling her all the time and it still isn't enough. Brian thinks I'm spoiling her too much.
I don't think that's possible.

So, how did the first week go? Awesome. For real. I am absolutely loving life and trying not to think into the future when Brian goes back to work, or when Reese goes through growth spurts or fussy times, I'm just enjoying the now. It feels good.
I did find out last Friday that my dtap shot got infected so I'm on antibiotics for that. I also have femoral hernia, boo. My doctor is going to check it again at my six week check up and hopefully it won't require surgery. I really don't want surgery! So I can't lift anything over 10 pounds for the next six weeks and I'm going to try and follow that because like I said, I DO NOT want surgery.

Bria is doing soooo well with her new sister. She asks to hold her, she is concerned when she cries, and she is such a big help. Brian and I make sure to each spend some alone time with her each day so she knows how much we love her even if things feel different with a new baby around.

She climbed up here all by herself and read tons of books to Reese, it melted my heart.

We've had a busy week with lots of visitors, a doctors appointment, outings to the store, and even had to take the car in because it was making a weird noise. We think it's fixed and fortunately it didn't cost us much.
Reese's first appointment went great. She passed her birth weight! She is now 7 lbs 9 oz and the doctor was amazed. Everything looks good and Reese decided to show off and held her up a little, the doctor said she was very strong :) I sound like such a Mom, I can't help it.

At the doctor's office.

I have to say I LOVE our new pediatrician, she is phenomenal. She was so good with Bria and gave us some good ideas as to how to make the transition easier on everyone. I really love her.
Reese has slept good almost every night and we are so grateful for that. Last night was a little different but I think she's still trying to figure out her days and nights.
We are just loving this little girl to pieces and it makes my heart full to see my two little girls together, I just love love love it.

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Brian better get out the shotgun and start target practice. TWO gorgeous daughters to chase suitors away from!